The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [110–114]^

  1. Korn, Stalemate, pp. 175, 207.

  2. Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 12 December 1969, p. 4. “Hatashah,” the Hebrew term for “attri-
    tion,” is still given in quotes as Eg yptian parlance. “Eg ypt Reports 250 Men Staged Its
    Biggest Raid,” International Herald Tribune, 8 December 1969, p. 1.

  3. Michalson, Abirei lev, pp. 33, 358.

  4. AC, testimony of Avraham Adan, Part 2, pp. 16–21.

  5. Badry, Ramadan War, p. 17.

  6. Kissinger briefing by IDF officers, 22 October 1973; Golan, Decision Making, p. 1146.

  7. Gennady Goryachkin (“O voennykh perevodchikakh v Egipte,” in Safonov et al., Grif,
    p. 175) mentions this team among the advisers on “short-term missions” in his hotel in
    August 1969.

  8. Michalson, Abirei lev, pp. 27, 34, 36. Sharon confirmed that the first encounters with
    Saggers were during the War of Attrition, but claimed that most had been fired from across
    the canal. AC, Sharon testimony, Part 1, pp. 95–6.

  9. Maj.-Gen. Ya’aqov Amidror, interviewed on Israel Army Radio, 6 October 2014, http://, at 9’45”. Amidror stated that in October 1973 the
    Sagger was already known to the IDF from Syrian use in an incident “half a year before
    the war. ... A lot of papers were issued but we didn’t understand the significance until we
    encountered it on the battlefield.”


  11. BBC transcript, 25 July 1970, cited in Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 107.

  12. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, 1 September 1971, quoted in Ilana Kass, Soviet
    Involvement in the Middle East: Policy Formulation 1966–1973, Boulder, CO: Westview,
    1978, pp. 155, 263n2.

  13. Ro’i, Encroachment, p. 52n3.

  14. See pp. 78–86, 166–87. Heikal reiterated his versions of the two episodes in Sphinx,
    pp. 197–8, 242–55.

  15. In effect, until the appearance of Victor Israelyan, Inside the Kremlin during the Yom Kippur
    Wa r, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 1997.

  16. Ambassador Murad Ghaleb and Minister of Defense Fawzy. Their accounts first appeared
    in Arabic and thus took even longer to figure alongside Heikal’s in Western scholarship.
    Laura James, “Eg yptian Decision-Making during the War of Attrition,” in Ashton, The Cold
    War in the Middle East, pp. 110–11n99.

  17. Walter Laqueur, Confrontation: The Middle East War and World Politics, London: Abacus,
    1974, p. 14n*.

  18. The only exception discovered so far is the unsigned article in Sputnik, January 1991—one
    of the first to confirm the Soviet intervention at all, with a very confused timeline. This
    Soviet imitation of Reader’s Digest may have copied Heikal’s version with no reservation
    because no official Soviet one was yet available.

  19. Col. V.E. Tkachev, “Pochemu Izrail’ prekratil voennye deystviya na egipetskom fronte,”
    Voenno-Istorichesky Zhurnal (Moscow), 6 (2005), p. 43.

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