The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [316–319]^

  1. George Sherman, “Washington Close-up,” Times (Geneva, NY), 20 April 1973, p. 7.

  2. AC, Shalev testimony, Part 2, p. 136; he dates this one week after a dramatic Israeli raid
    on Beirut, which occurred on 9 April. The newly published Syrian documents mention
    “maneuvers” in March–April that were detected by the Israelis (Pernavsky, Arabo-izrail’skie
    voyny, p. 104).

  3. AC, APR, vol. 1, pp. 6–7. The “Blue-White” plan was presented to the full cabinet on
    9 May.

  4. AC, final report, p. 66. Marwan’s role in triggering “Blue-White” is indicated by
    Commission member Yadin, who mentioned “one of the important reports received on
    27 April [passage sanitized] ... [and] relayed raw to the prime minister.”

  5. Bar-Joseph, Angel, pp. 197–200, 231.

  6. Ro’i Mandel, ynet news, 20 September 2012,

  7. Akopov, transcript, p. 28.

  8. “Paper Prepared by the National Security Council Staff, Probably in Early May,” FRUS
    N-XXV, no. 59n2.

  9. Parker, October War, p. 141. Ze’ira opined on 24 April that Sadat was feigning despair in
    order to influence the summit; AC, APR, p. 70.

  10. AC, APR, p. 93.

  11. AC, Tal testimony, Part 1, pp. 3–5. This refers to the eastern part of the Golan Heights,
    which was not occupied by Israel.

  12. Mikhail Razinkov, “Siriya: Goryachii Oktyabr’ 1973 goda,”

  13. Comment by Yadin in AC, Eban testimony, Part 2, p. 17, quoting “exhibit 26,” which has
    not been released.

  14. Memorandum of conversation, Zavidovo, 7 May 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 53. The edi-
    tors note that Brezhnev was referring to “Ahmed Ismail’s visit to Moscow following Hafiz
    Ismail’s “visit” to Washingon. Actually, Ahmed arrived in Moscow on 26 February, when
    Hafez’s US talks were still in progress.

  15. Ehud Eran, “Kishlon kehillat ha-modi’in ha-Americanit be-ha’arakhat mitqefet ha-peta
    h-Mitzrit-Surit be-milhemet Yom ha-Kippurim,” Center on Intelligence and Terrorism,
    Israel Intelligence Heritage Center, 3 September 2013,
    Data/articles/Art_20569/H_138_13_1132530023.pdf; Daigle, “Limits of Détente,”
    pp. 265–9.

  16. Conversation between Nixon and Kissinger, 16 May 1973. FRUS N-XXV, no. 58.

  17. Kissinger to Nixon, 20 May 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 63.

  18. Kissinger, Years of Upheaval, p. 227.

  19. AC, Eban testimony, Part 2, pp. 6–8, 22. Commission members mentioned another paper,
    the identity of whose author remains sanitized.

  20. AC, Eban testimony, Part 1, p. 16.

  21. Pernavsky, Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, p. 105.

  22. “Excerpts from a Record of a Meeting between Soviet Journalist, Victor Louis, and General

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