Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Carlos Calvo, Le droit international théorique et pratique précédé d’un exposé
    historique des progrès de la science du droit des gens, vol. 1, 2nd ed. (Paris: Pedone-
    Lauriel, 1870), 104; and Carlos Calvo, Droit international, vol. 1, 3rd ed. (Paris:
    Pedone- Lauriel, 1880), 118.

  2. Calvo, Droit international, vol. 1, 3rd ed., 130.

  3. See La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 233– 48.

  4. Th éophile Funck- Brentano and Albert Sorel. Précis du droit des gens, 1st ed.
    (Paris: E. Plon, 1877).

  5. Lassa Oppenheim, International Law: A Treatise, 2 vols., 1st ed. (London: Long-
    mans, Green, 1905– 06).

  6. Lassa Oppenheim, “Th e Science of International Law: Its Task and Method,” 2
    AJIL 313– 56 (1908).

  7. See, to this eff ect, Wildman, Institutes, 2.

  8. On the centrality of sanctions and enforcement, see John Westlake, Interna-
    tional Law, vol. 1, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1910), 6– 8, 14,
    301, 358; and Oppenheim, International Law, vol. 1, 6– 7.

  9. See Heinrich Triepel, Droit international et droit interne, trans. René Brunet
    (Paris: A. Pedone, 1920), 63– 65.

  10. Prosper Weil, “Le droit international en quête do son identité,” 237 RdC 3– 369
    (1992), 77.

  11. Triepel, Droit international, 94– 96; and Dionisio Anzilotti, Cours de droit inter-
    national, vol. 1, trans. Gilbert Gidel (Paris: Sirey, 1929), 73– 74.

  12. Triepel, Droit international, 102– 9.

  13. See Chapter 4.

  14. Triepel, Droit international, 62– 109.

  15. Ibid., 70– 71.

  16. Ibid., 87– 89.

  17. Heinrich Triepel, Völkerrecht und Landesrecht (Leipzig: Hirschfeld, 1899);
    Heinrich Triepel, “Les rapports entre le droit interne et le droit international,” 1 RdC
    73– 121 (1923); Dionisio Anzilotti, Il diritto internazionale nei juridizi interni (Bolo-
    gna: Ditta N. Zanichelli, 1905); and Anzilotti, Cours, 49– 65.

  18. For Triepel’s views, see Triepel, Droit international, 11– 65. For Anzilotti’s posi-
    tion, see Anzilotti, Cours, 49– 65.

  19. Anzilotti, Cours, 57– 59.

  20. Alfred Verdross, “Le fondement du droit international,” 16 RdC 247– 323 (1927),
    275– 76.

  21. Sereni, Italian Conception, 216. On Anzilotti’s later change of position on this
    point, see Chapter 9.

  22. Jean- Jacques Rousseau, “A Discourse on Po liti cal Economy,” in Th e Social Con-
    tract and Discourses, 115– 53, trans. G. D. H. Cole (London: Dent, 1913 [1758]), 120– 21.
    See also Wolfgang Friedmann, Legal Th eory, 5th ed. (London: Stevens and Sons, 1967),

518 Notes to Pages 229–236

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