Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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606 Index

Charlesworth, Hillary, 462– 464
Chaucer, Geoff rey, 85– 86
Chemical weapons. See Weapons , proh ibited
Chevalier, Michel, 272
Chile, 263, 306, 352, 472
China: pre- imperial, 7, 13, 15– 16, 17– 25,
223, 328; imperial, 37– 38, 39– 41, 48– 49,
59– 60, 314, 315, 324, 334– 335, 337;
isolation in the nineteenth century,
295– 296; as a barbarian state, 311, 312;
reception of Western international law,
312– 314; ex t rater r itor ia l it y i n, 316 – 317,
352, 359, 433; post- imperial, 400, 404,
427, 472
Chinkin, Christine, 462, 463
Christianity, 63– 64; and natural law, 56,
59, 65, 124, 160; and just- war doctrine,
67– 68, 69, 71, 96, 117, 152; and govern-
ment, 74, 145; and conversion of infi dels,
102– 103, 104, 108, 110, 113 – 114, 116 – 117,
119, 121– 122. See also Bulls, papal;
Canon law; Catholic Church; Crusades;
Dilatatio theory; Papacy, Catholic;
Sanctions, ecclesiastical
Christine de Pisan, 85, 89, 462
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 32, 45, 47, 469
Civ i l i z ed states, 310 – 312 , 315, 317, 318,
432– 433; Turkey as, 312; Japan as, 317;
and P.C.I.J. Statute, 382. See also
Barbarian states; In e qual ity of states;
Savage states
Civil wars, 323, 435, 445, 450, 470, 473;
in Islamic law, 99– 100; intervention in,
278– 279; American Civil War, 299, 329;
in the former Yugo slavia, 445, 448; in
Congo, 470; in Pakistan, 473. See also
Humanitarian intervention
Civitas maxima. See Supreme state
(of Wol ff )
Classics of International Law, Th e, 301– 302
Clement V, Pope, 77– 78, 106
Clement VI, Pope, 103, 108, 109
Clement VII, Pope, 84
Cobbett, William, 199
Cobden, Richard, 272
Cobden- Chevalier Treaty, 272
Cocceji, Samuel, 177, 310

Codifi cation of international law: and
natural law, 205; debates over, 319,
321– 322, 362– 363. See also Codifi cation
projects; International Law Commission
Codifi cation projects: Grégoire, 209– 210;
in nineteenth century, 265, 322– 323;
interwar period, 363– 364; post–World
War II, 412– 414, 440– 441. See also
Codifi cation of international law
Cold War, 344, 395– 396, 404– 410, 412,
415, 430; end of, 440, 443– 445, 448, 452
Collective security: Mencius on, 23;
interwar, 351– 352, 362, 371, 372, 374,
390; attacks on, 391– 393; post–World
War II, 395– 396, 400, 422– 423, 444
Collini, Lorenzo, 217
Colombia, 114
Columbus, Christopher, 107, 110, 111
Combatant status, 325, 435. See also
Martens Clause; National liberation,
wars of
Commission on the Responsibility of the
Authors of the War, 349
Committee Against Torture, 447
Common juridical conscience, 253, 262,

  1. See also Fairness, concept of;
    Justice, sense of; Natural law
    Common law: ancient Greek, 27; Ius
    gentium as, 45, 155; En glish, 72, 213,

  2. See also “Common law of human-
    ity”; Ius commune
    “Common law of humanity,” 262, 297.
    See also Ius gentium
    Common- will variant of positivism, 226,
    231– 236, 238, 246, 247, 257, 261, 365,
    376, 415, 426; modifi cation of, 368– 369;
    and socialist thought, 384. See also
    Empirical variant of positivism;
    Positivism (general); Voluntarist variant
    of positivism
    Communes, medieval Italian, 74, 75– 77,
    94, 169
    Community, human, 43, 45, 46, 146, 155,
    293, 296, 465. See also Community,
    international; Natural law; Natural
    sociability, principle of; Peremptory
    norms; Solidarism

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