Aaron, 204
Abbas, Mahmoud, 247
Abbasids, 156, 231
ʿAbboud, Paul, 236–37, 238
ʿAbduh, Muhammad, 65, 161, 164; al-
Islām wa-n-naṣrāniyya maʿ al-ʿilm wa-l-
madaniyya, 74; al-ʿUrwa al-wuthqā,
Abdul Hamid (Abdülhamid) II, Sultan,
24–25, 39
Abraham, 144–45, 168
Abu al-Faraj al-Iṣfahānī (al-Iṣbahānī):
Kitāb al-aghānī, 144
Abu al-Fidaʾ, 71n113, 72
Acre, 16, 17
al-Afghani, Jamal ad-Din, 83n155
agriculture: and Ben-Zvi, 124; and First
vs. Second Aliyah, 34; and ha-Ḥerut, 97;
and M. R. al-Khalidi, 82, 84; and Malul,
223, 230; and Rida, 163, 167; and Zay-
dan, 143; Zionist colonies for, 33, 76
Agudat ha-Magen (Shield Society), 194
ha-Aḥdut, 96, 120–22; attitude toward
Arabs, 126–28; and Ben-Zvi, 123; reli-
gion in, 101
al-Ahrām, 194
Akçura, Yusuf, 25
Akiba, Rabbi, 79n141, 219–20
Aleppo, 202
Alexander the Great, 80–81, 218–19
Alexandria, 26, 131; ancient Israelite syn-
agogue in, 199
Alexandria, ancient, 81, 208–10
Ali Ekrem Bey, 24
Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU)
school, 44
Allies, 242–43, 244
Amalekites, 144
American Jewish press, 118
American School of Archaeology, 47
Andalusia, 156, 165
Anderson, Benedict, 5n6
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry,
Antioch, 202
antisemitism: blame for, 71; causes of,
133; and Christian Arabic press, 120;
Christian element of European eco-
nomic, 88n167; and Christianity, 228;
and Drews, 116; and economy, 71; and
Europeans, 228; and Jewish wealth,
156–57, 230; and M. R. al-Khalidi, 43,
70, 82–85, 92; and N. Malul, 222–23,
228–29, 230; and Mendes, 173; and
Rida, 153–54, 156, 157; as self-inflicted,
84; and translation, 233; and E. Zaydan,
180, 182; J. Zaydan’s defense of Jews
against, 182. See also Jews
anti-Zionism: and Arabic press, 9, 106,
127–28, 129, 187, 190, 192, 231–32;
and Arabs, 222, 231, 234; of Christian
Arabic press, 122; economic view of,
232–34; and ha-Ḥerut, 106; and Men-
delssohn, 59–60n74, 61. See also
apologetics: and N. Malul, 10, 222; and
Moyal, 10, 199, 203–5, 209, 212, 220,
al-Aqsa Intifada, 246
al-Aqsa Library, 136
al-Aqsa Mosque, 43, 52, 53, 166, 168–69,
Arab conquest, 40
Arab Episcopalians, 33