Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War
8 Wallenstein In 1597 the fourteen-year-old Albrecht was sent off to a grammar school at Goldberg (Zlotoryja), near Liegnitz (Le ...
No Great Expectations 9 resulting in a large fine and a larger compensation settlement. As for the rest, he was part of a gang o ...
10 Wallenstein an ensign, the most junior officer, rather than starting as an ordinary soldier like many other young gentlemen h ...
No Great Expectations 11 frontier areas. Whether he was subsequently appointed and if so how far he got with this is not clear, ...
12 Wallenstein too many offspring, had to look elsewhere. The church provided opportunities for advancement only for the highest ...
No Great Expectations 13 The Counter-Reformation changed that, but it was as yet barely under way and no provincial nobleman in ...
14 Wallenstein post at court. On the contrary he sought no more than to become one of many gentlemen of the chamber, whose main ...
No Great Expectations 15 Briefly summarised, the progress of these conflicts led first to an armed expedition into Bohemia by Ma ...
16 Wallenstein perfect balances of age, wealth, nobility and religion were not always achievable, particularly when the lady was ...
No Great Expectations 17 as much of their property as possible. Even so they were involved in two legal actions and they staved ...
18 Wallenstein Then in March 1614 his wife died, perhaps of the plague, leaving him a childless widower less than five years aft ...
No Great Expectations 19 concern us, other than to note that Ferdinand had been unable to per- suade the cash-strapped governmen ...
20 Wallenstein had been backed in the main by the Catholic nobility and Matthias likewise by the Protestants, but since Matthias ...
No Great Expectations 21 in any case, but as a Catholic he would probably have had little choice, and unfortunately for him the ...
22 3. A Scandal in Bohemia (Conan Doyle) The Bohemian revolt, when it came, was a badly bungled affair, and even before it start ...
A Scandal in Bohemia 23 town of Braunau (Broumov), where the citizens had built a Protestant church, claiming that the Letter of ...
24 Wallenstein Two developments led to a more active confrontation. Firstly inside a month Thurn headed south with several thous ...
A Scandal in Bohemia 25 returned from active service on Ferdinand’s behalf at Gradisca, but although the nobility were predomina ...
26 Wallenstein Bohemia.^4 In November 1618, when Bucquoy was hard pressed by Thurn, Wallenstein provided him with provisions and ...
A Scandal in Bohemia 27 Wallenstein and the money reached Vienna. His dramatic exploit was well received privately, and he had a ...
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