Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War
88 Wallenstein fortifications. Yesterday God gave us the good fortune to defeat him, cutting through his forces and putting them ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 89 and potentially mutinous, to add to which he himself was often ill. He wrote several times ...
90 Wallenstein too headed towards Hungary, but taking a shorter, more westerly route in an effort to catch up with Mansfeld.^12 ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 91 that evening the main armies met and took up positions. It was then too late to fight, but ...
92 Wallenstein Imperial war council both before and afterwards, managed well enough for three months before resigning in a huff ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 93 own possessions in mind, but now these were pledged to such an extent that he could not wi ...
94 Wallenstein something of them indirectly, perhaps from conversations in a coach travelling back or subsequently in Vienna, bu ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 95 1627–28: Denmark and Stralsund Wallenstein spent most of the winter in the palace he was h ...
96 Wallenstein militarily and politically significant, but also provided him with a valu- able income from trade and tolls with ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 97 bringing this to a successful conclusion. Hence Wallenstein despatched a regiment to Polan ...
98 Wallenstein Wallenstein himself, advanced on him from the south-east. Tilly too was on the march, crossing the Elbe from the ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 99 Wallenstein himself went home in the late autumn, and it was early summer 1628 before he t ...
100 Wallenstein idea of a new crusade which lingered on in some European circles, while there is no doubt that Wallenstein would ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 101 Stralsund was not the largest or most important port on the Baltic coast, and nor, like L ...
102 Wallenstein deal with, but following the arrival of Danish and Swedish forces he headed for Stralsund himself, hoping by mea ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 103 and it is to Wallenstein’s credit that he was prepared to accept a tactical set-back rath ...
104 Wallenstein in exchange for a promise to take no further part in German affairs, together with the renunciation of his famil ...
Go, Captain, Greet the Danish King 105 he looked for an alternative. His more generous and flexible approach through the Danish ...
106 8. At the Parting of the Ways (Ezekiel) Mecklenburg was one of the great hereditary duchies of the Empire, significantly exc ...
At the Parting of the Ways 107 Duke of Mecklenburg, and to proudly initial his future correspondence ‘AHzM’ (Albrecht, Herzog zu ...
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