Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
PRAGMATIC SANCTION OF BOURGES . Promulgated by Charles VII in 1438, the royal decree known as the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges ...
commentaries by Maurice de Sully; and formulae for confession. The liturgical collection deemed most suitable for the laity was ...
traditions of the patristic world. Few monuments to their early homiletic effort survive. The sermons of Caesarius of Arles repr ...
move to evangelize the Germanic peoples of the Rhineland and Frisia, a mission that culminated in the mid-8th-century missions l ...
life of voluntary poverty in response to the blatant excesses of monied wealth among townsfolk. All this ferment provoked anxiet ...
By ca. 1300, a new framework of pastoral institutions had been worked out. The locus of pastoral care had been lowered from the ...
The 13th-century transformation of preaching in response to the spiritual ferment of the 11th and 12th centuries was largely com ...
considered undue usurpation of family land by ecclesiastics who had persuaded dying men and women to make deathbed grants for th ...
Laon reveals. The resemblance is strictly confined to the plan. The churches of Prémontré were much more richly decorated and em ...
[See also: AUGUSTINE, RULE OF ST.; PREACHING; REGULAR CANONS; ROBERT D’ARBRISSEL] Petit, François. La spiritualité des Prémontré ...
became established in geographical regions as powerful officials superior to the prévôts. The district for which a prévôt was re ...
PRÉVÔT DES MARCHANDS . See PARIS; PRÉVÔT DE PARIS PRINCE/PRINCIPALITY . The Old French words prince and princ(h)ier, the Old Occ ...
within a community or dominion. Principes was applied in this sense to the leading members of the Frankish tribe, of the kingdom ...
Provence, victor over the Muslims in 972, marks the point of encounter between the traditions relative to Guillaume de Toulouse ...
meaningful occupations of life. The nobles of Picardy and Burgundy insisted on writing their right to private war into the chart ...
land. Those with privileges might be corporate bodies (towns, universities, monasteries), members of some occupational or social ...
The nobles were the most privileged of all in medieval France, and their concern was to be treated as a separate caste. They mig ...
Several liturgical dates called for processions; among these are Palm Sunday, Candlemas Day (February 2), and the Rogation Days ...
the entry of Charles VI into Paris in 1380. The custom spread throughout France in the course of the 15th century. In the northe ...
PROPHÉCIES DE MERLIN . Not to be confused with Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Prophetiae Merlini, with which it has nothing in common be ...
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