Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

author, 399–400
poet, 399–400
lausavísur (Eyvindr Finnsson skáldaspillir), 209, 210–211
Law, 12–13. See also Jewish law
Æthelberht, 51–52
Averroès, 52–54
Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, Sire de, 59
Bonagiunta Orbicciani Degli Averardi, 87–88
Boniface VIII, Pope, 91
Buoncompagno da Signa, 96–97
Cartagena, Alfonso de, 104–106
Cino da Pistoia, 141–142
Constitution of Melfi , 232
Corpus juris civilis, 388, 389
Eike von Repgow, 194
Erik, Saint, 205–206
Francesco d’Accorso, 220–221
Frederick II, 232
Gershom b. Judah, 248
Gratian, 269–270
Guido delle Colonne, 279–280
Hákon góði (“The Good”) Haraldsson, 294
Henry I, King of England, 313
Henry II, 316
Hugues de Saint-Cher, 336–337
Ibn Adret, Solomon, 339
Innocent III, Pope, 347
Innocent IV, Pope, 348–349
Jaime (Jaume) I, King Aragón-Catalonia, 361
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 388–389
Lanfranc of Bec, 398–399
Magnús Hákonarson, 433
Maimonides, 434
Meir b. Barukh of Rothenburg, 464–465
Peñafort, Ramón de, 510–511
Roncaglia decrees, 230
Sturla Þórðarson, 611, 612
William Durandus, 668–669
Wulfstan of York, 681–682
Law of parsimony or economy, 673
Lay de Plaisance (Alain Chartier), 130
Layamon, 400–401, 658
Brut, 400
poet, 400–401
Le chevalier de la charrette (Lancelot) (Chrétien de Troyes),
135, 136, 137
Le Morte D’Arthur (The Death of Arthur) (Thomas Malory),
Arthur’s supremacy, 437
Caxton edition, 436, 437
Excalibur, 438
explicits, 436, 437
feats of individual, 437
Guinevere, 438
Lancelot, 437–438
Mordred, 438
Round Table, 437, 438
Sir Galahad, 438
story of Tristram and Isolde, 438
summary, 437–438

versions, 436–437
Winchester manuscript, 436–437
Le temps a laissié son manteau (Charles d’Orléans), 123
León, Mosés de, 404–405
cabalist, 404–405
mystic, 404–405
Torah commentary, 404–405
Zohar (The Book of Splendor or Enlightenment), 404–405
Lectura in codicem (Cino da Pistoia), 141
Legend of Good Women (Geoffrey Chaucer), 133
Legenda (Giunta Bevegnati), 445–446
Legenda maior (Saint Bonaventure), 625
Legenda (Saint Margaret of Cortona), 445–446
Legenda sanctorum aurea (Golden Legend) (Jacobus da
Voragine), 355
Leich, Tannhäuser, der, 619
Leich (Ulrich von Liechtenstein), 640
Lello di Pietro Stefano dei Tosetti, Petrarca, Francesco, 519
Lemici clan, 14
Leo III, Byzantine Emperor, 401–402
Iconoclasm, 402
thwarted Arab siege of Constantinople, 402
Leo IX, Pope, 318, 402–403
aggressive leadership, 402–403
diocesan clergy reform, 402
foundation for Gregorian reform, 403
monastic reform, 402
papal monarchy, 403
Leodegundia, 403–404
author, 403–404
Codex regularum, 403
Leofric of Mercia, 192
Léonin, 405–406
composer, 405–406
Magnus liber organi de gradali et antifonario, 405–406
Leopold of Vienna, 607
Leovigild, 406
alliance between Hermenegild and Byzantines, 406
king of Visigothic Spain, 406
military reunifi cation of Visigothic kingdom, 406
Les chroniques de France, d’Angleterre et de pas voisins (Jean
Froissart), 236–237
Letter to Ecgbert (Bede the Venerable), 62–63
Letter to Posterity (Francesco Petrarca), 517–518, 522
Levi ben Gershom, 407
astronomy, 407
biblical commentary, 407
mathematics, 407
philosophy, 407
Spanish Hebrew-Arabic medieval culture, 407
Wars of the Lord, 407
Lewis of Bavaria, 634
Marsilio of Padua, 452
Liber Augustalis (Pier della Vigna), 532
Liber de obsidione Ancone (Buoncompagno da Signa), 96
Liber de rebus gestibus Ottonis (The Deeds of Otto)
(Liudprand of Cremona), 408
Liber de vera fi delium experientia (Book of the True
Experience of the Faithful) (Saint Angela da Foligno),
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