Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Malispini, Ricordano, 435
historian, 435
Libro fi esolano, 435
Malory, Thomas, 436–438
Le Morte D’Arthur (The Death of Arthur), 436–438
Arthur’s supremacy, 437
Caxton edition, 436, 437
Excalibur, 438
explicits, 436, 437
feats of individual, 437
Guinevere, 438
Lancelot, 437–438
Mordred, 438
Round Table, 437, 438
Sir Galahad, 438
story of Tristram and Isolde, 438
summary, 437–438
versions, 436–437
Winchester manuscript, 436–437
in prison, 436
Wars of the Roses, 436
Mamluk system, 588
Mandeville, Jean de, 439
historian, 439
travel writer, 439
Voyages d’ outre-mer, 439
Manfred, 440–441
career confi ned to Italy, 440
Charles of Anjou, 440–441
cultural patron, 441
lost kingdom, 440–441
as regent, 440
Manrique, Jorge, 441–442
Coplas por la muerte de su padre, 441–442
poet, 441–442
political and military activities, 441–442
Mansur, Al-, 442–443
builder, 443
poet, 443
ruler in al-Andalus caliphate period, 442–443
Manuscript, 9, 108
Brailes, William de, 94
illumination, 58, 327–328, 548, 628–630
Mappamundi, 660
María de Padilla, Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 507, 508
María of Castile, antipope, 22
Marcabru, 443
troubadour, 443
Marcel, Étienne, 443–444
Charles II the Bad, 444
led Paris rebellion against monarchy, 443–444
Marchetto da Padova, 444–445
music theorist, 444–445
Margaret of Cortona, Saint, 445–446
Cortona’s increasing political independence, 446
dispute over cult, 446
early life, 445
Franciscan order, 445–446
Legenda, 445–446
relics contested, 446

San Basilio church, 446
Margaret of Luxembourg, 539
Margrethe I, Queen of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark,
coup d’état, 447
education of, 447
ideas of monarchial reign, 447
role in unifying Scandinavian countries, 447–448
royal secession, 447
Union of Kalmar, 447
Marguerite d’Oingt, 448
biography of Béatrice of Ornacieux, 448
Carthusian order, 448
French woman writer, 448
Pagina meditationum, 448
Speculum, 448
Marguerite of Provence, Queen of France, 79, 448–449, 526
Blanche of Castile, 448
Louis IX, King of France, 448–449
Philip III, King of France, 448
pious works, 448–449
political activism, 448
Marguerite Porete, 449
approval by church authorities, 449
condemned to death, 449
French writer, 449
Mirouer des simples ames anienties, 449
Marie de Brabant, 527
Marie de Champagne, 35, 199
Chrétien de Troyes, 135, 137
Marie de France, 449–451
Espurgatoire saint Patrice, 449, 451
Fables, 449, 451
Lais, 449, 450–451
literary infl uences, 449–450
patrons, 449–450
poet, 449–451
Marie d’Oignies, 359, 452
béguine movement, 452
Marienfeld Altarpiece, 392–393
Marmousets, Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 529
Marsilio of Padua, 452–453
Defensor minor, 452
Defensor pads (The Defender of Peace), 453
Lewis of Bavaria, 452
political theorist, 452–453
theory of the state, 452
Martí, Ramón, 453–454
Dominican order, 453
Hebraist scholar, 453
missionary, 453
polemicist against Jews, 453–454
Martianus Capella, 454
author, 454
De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, 454
Martini, Simone, 454–457, 455
Altarpiece of the Blessed Agostino Novello, 456
Antwerp (Orsini) Polyptych, 456
Equestrian Portrait of Guidoriccio da Fogliano, 455
fresco of Maestá, 454–454
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