Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

French monastic, 613–614
Louis VI, King of France, 613, 614
monastic revenues, 613–614
rebuilding church, 614
reformed liturgy, 613
regent while Louis VII on crusade, 614
Summa de bono (Philip the Chancellor), 530
Summa de creaturis (Book of the Creatures) (Albertus
Magnus), 15–16
Summa de sacramentis et animae consiliis (Peter the Chanter),
Summa decretorum (Uguccione da Pisa), 636–637
Summa theologica (Thomas Aquinas), 43
Sunesen, Anders, 614–615
Archbishop of Lund, 614
chancellor to King Knud VI, 614
Hexaemeron, 615
as politician, 614–615
S.urat ha-ares. ve-tabnit ha-shamavim (The Form of the Earth
and the Figure of the Heavens) (Abraham bar H.iyya), 3
Sven Haraldsson (Forkbeard), King of Denmark, 615–616
conquest of England, 615
raids against England, 615
Sverrir Sigurðarson, King of Norway, 616–617
confl ict with Norwegian bishops, 616–617
development of state as institution, 617
political ideology, 617
Reformation, 617
Sverris saga, 616–617
Sverris saga (Sverrir Sigurðarson, King of Norway), 616–617
Swabian City League, 663
Birgitta, Saint, 76–77
Erik, Saint, 205–206
Margrethe I, Queen of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark,
Petrus de Dacia fi rst author, 524
Sven Haraldsson (Forkbeard), King of Denmark, 615–616
union, 447
Sylvia. See Egeria
Synod of Saint Jean de Losne, Rainald of Dassel, 552
Syrlin, Jörg the Elder, 617–618
sculptor, 617–618
Syrlin, Jörg the Younger, 617–618
sculptor, 617–618

Tancred of Lecce, 153, 322, 323
Tannhäuser, der, 619
composer, 619
Leich, 619
minnesinger, 619
Sangspruch, 619
Tassilo III of Bavaria, 119
Tawq al-hama ̄ ma (The Dove’s Necklace) (Ibn H.azm), 341
David von Augsburg, 168
Elisabeth von Schönau, 199–200
Hild, 329
Hrabanus Maurus, 333

Hugo von Trimberg, 336
Isidore of Seville, Saint, 350–351
Jean de Garlande, 366
Lanfranc of Bec, 398–399
Notker Labeo, 483–484
Terza rima, 81
Teseida delle nozze di Emilia (Giovanni Boccaccio), 80
Testament (François Villon), 652, 653
Testament of Cresseid (Robert Henryson), 326
Teutonic Knights, 232
Thaddeus of Sessa, 532
Theobald of Canterbury, 60
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, 620
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 388, 620
political activities, 620
portraits, 620
Vigilius, 620
Theodoric the Ostrogoth, 144
Theodulf of Orléans, 620
Capitula, 620
Charlemagne, 620
crusade, 621
Libri Carolini, 620
wars with England, 621
Theophanes Cerameus. See Philagathus of Cerami
Theory of double truth, 53
Theuderic IV, 126
Thibaut de Champagne, 621, 652
Blanche of Castile, 621
Count of Champagne, 621
King of Navarre, 621
relations with crown, 621
trouvère, 621
Thietmar of Merseburg, 621–622
Bishop of Merseburg, 621–622
Chronicon, 622
Henry II, Emperor, 621–622
historian, 621–622
Third Crusade, Saladin (Sala ̄ h al-Dı ̄n Yu ̄ ksuf B. Ayya ̄ b), 588
Thomas à Kempis, 622–623
De Imitatione Christi, 622–623
historian, 622–623
Modern Devotion movement, 622
musician, 622–623
Radewijns, Florens, 552
writer, 622–623
Thomas Arundel, Bishop of Ely, 565–566
Thomas d’Angleterre, 623–624
Tristan, 623–624
writer, 623–624
Thomas of Celano, 624–625
Franciscan hagiographer, 624–625
Franciscan order, 624–625
Vita prima, 625
Vita secunda, 625
Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, 565–566
Thomasîn von Zerclaere, 625–626
author, 625–626
courtly primer, 625
Der Welsche Gast (The Italian Visitor), 625–626
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