Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

University of Bologna, 220, 257, 476
University of Lisbon, 175
University of Montpelier, 361
University of Naples, 231
University of Paris, 185, 248–249, 336, 465
Augustinianism, 185
Philip the Chancellor, 529
University of Salamanca, 201, 476
University of Toulouse, 220–221, 366
University of Valencia, 361
Urban II, Pope, 38, 86, 641–642, 642
Church reformer, 641
clerical advancement, 641
crusades, 641–642
founder of crusading movement, 641
papal reform, 641
reorganization of church in Sicily, 574
Urban professional class, 13
Urban V, Pope, Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy, 34
Urban VI, Pope
Catherine of Siena, Saint, 109
Joanna I, Queen of Naples, 375
Urtebogen (Henrik Harpestreng), 299
Utraquism, 664

Valdemar, King of Denmark, 203
Valera, Diego de, 643–644
author, 643
political advice, 643
travels, 643
wars, 643
Valois dynasty, 123, 127, 368–369, 379–380
Habsburg dynasty, rivalry between, 461
Van den derden Eduwaert (Jan van Boendale), 363
van der Weyden, Rogier, 102, 644
Annunciation, 644
Lamentation, 644
Netherlandish art, 644
painter, 644
van Eyck, Jan, 644–645
Arnolfi ni Wedding Portrait, 644–645
diplomacy, 644
Ghent Altarpiece, 644
Netherlandish art, 644
painter, 644–645
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 644–645
symbolism, 644
Van seven manieren van heileger minne (Seven Steps of Holy
Love) (Beatrijs van Nazareth), 58
Vanna di Bernardino di Guidone, 357
Vasari, Giorgio, 31
Vellekla (Einarr Helgason skálaglamm), 195–196
Veneziano, Paolo, 645–646
infl uence, 646
Venetian Trecento painting, 645–646
workshop, 646
Vermudo III, 591
Vernacular, 6, 8
Alfred the Great, 28

Dante’s defense, 163
Veronica Master, 153
Victor III, Pope, 641
Vida deSan Millán (Gonzalo de Berceo), 67–68, 69
Vie de saint Louis (Jean de Joinville), 382
Vie de seint Auban (Matthew Paris), 460
Vilanova, Arnau de, 646–647
Boniface VIII, Pope, 646
Clement V, Pope, 646
Jaime II, 646
Joachimite, 646
medicine, 646–647
religious reform, 646
role in medieval intellectual history, 646
scientifi c works, 646
theologian, 646–647
Vilars Dehoncort. See Villard de Honnecourt
Villani, Giovanni, 647–649
author, 647–649
Florentine chronicler, 647–649
merchant, 647–649
Nuova cronica (New Chronicle), 647, 648
offi ces and appointments, 648
place in ruling Florentine oligarchy, 647
politician, 647–649
urbane judiciousness, 648
Villard de Honnecourt, 651
architect, 651
artist, 651
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, 652
Conquête de Constantinople, 652
crusades, 652
eyewitness account of Fourth Crusade, 652
historian, 652
mediating abilities, 652
Villon, François, 652–655
autobiographical lyricist, 653–654
Charles d’Orléans, 122, 123
criminal activities, 653
education, 653
Lais, 652–653
poet, 122, 123, 652–655
Testament, 652, 653
themes, 653–654
Vincent de Beauvais, 655
Dominican, 655
encyclopedia of medieval culture and thought, 655
historian, 655
Speculum maius, 655
Virgil, 165, 166, 257, 432
Aeneid, 160, 164, 165
Virgil Frontispiece (Simone Martini), 456
Visconti, Gian Galeazzo, 590
Visconti family
alliance against, 34
Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy, 34
Hawkwood, Sir John, 303
Petrarca, Francesco, 521
Visión deleytable (Alfonso de la Torre), 627
Visigothic Renaissance, Isidore of Seville, Saint, 350
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