The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)
lessening demand for grain, the price of farmland began to falter, slowly at first and then in a free fall. Some federal officia ...
cultural plan generally left small- and medium-scale operations without the resources to continue. More and more farmers gave up ...
Further Reading Amato, Joseph.When Father and Son Conspire: A Min- nesota Farm Murder. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988. ...
Although the initial belief was that transmission of the disease, cause still unknown, was somehow re- lated to homosexual behav ...
(around 0.3 percent). Since a number of Haitians who did not then appear to fall within the other cate- gories had been diagnose ...
Hudson died in October, 1985. Another prominent person with AIDS was Liberace. A well-known enter- tainer, Liberace died from AI ...
See also ACT UP; AIDS Memorial Quilt; Cancer research; Fetal medicine; Genetics research; Health care in the United States; Homo ...
comprised eight quilted panels measuring 3 feet by 6 feet. Made by friends, families, partners, or acquain- tances, virtually al ...
ual arrived at the check-in desk in Vancouver with a ticket for M. Singh. The airline agent later recalled that the man was very ...
leader of a militant Sikh separatist group called Babbar Khalsa. The focus of this violent organiza- tion was to establish Punja ...
tories and power plants continued to emit pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxides. Automobile-induced smog ...
This approach changed somewhat after the resig- nation of Gorsuch as head of the EPA in 1982 and her replacement by William Ruck ...
J. Lynn Helms rejected the proposal as too costly. Ne- gotiations continued until May 22, 1981, when Poli submitted PATCO’s fina ...
on August 3, during the peak summer travel season when union members believed that the government would have no choice but to yi ...
Airplane! Identification Disaster film spoof Directors Jim Abrahams (1944- ), David Zucker (1947- ), Jerry Zucker (1950- ) Dat ...
Karnick, Kristine Brunovska, and Henry Jenkins, eds.Classical Hollywood Comedy. New York: Rout- ledge, 1995. Rickman, Gregg, ed. ...
naut return to a planet where she knows hideous monstrosities lurk? Cameron and his colleagues as- tutely tied this tricky plot ...
sized the healing power of prayer and forms of alter- native medicine such as naturopaths, homeopathy, and osteopathy. Oral Robe ...
crimes and profiled the crimes’ perpetrators with the goal of gaining information from viewers that would lead to the criminals’ ...
During the 1980’s, Anderson was one of seven- teen American hostages held in Lebanon by Hez- bollah, a radical Shiite group seek ...
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