The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)
16 Advertising The Eighties in America Memorable 1980’s Advertising Slogans and Jingles Product Slogan or Jingle Apple Macinto ...
had always featured attractive people, began to por- tray its models as successful professionals as well. Marketing departments ...
constant at about 60 million as the nation’s popula- tion exploded, growing from more than 60 million households to more than 90 ...
Children, andThe Simpsons. To accommodate each network’s decreased viewership, advertisers were al- lowed to purchase more minut ...
a new advertising avenue and the ability to reach a desired demographic to which they previously lacked direct access. On averag ...
American advertising of selling a lifestyle rather than a specific product. The specific lifestyles sold were distinctive of the ...
Aerobic Dancing, one of the first fitness instructors to publish a book of aerobics routines. Missett and Sorensen had worked st ...
shoulder, sweatbands, and Reebok’s Freestyle—the first shoe designed specifically for aerobics—all be- came part of a popular lo ...
time approved an affirmative action program con- taining a racial quota. The issue was the constitution- ality of a provision in ...
increasing limitations. During the first decade of the twenty-first century, nevertheless, affirmative action programs continued ...
In South Africa, where the moral justifications for those policies had become too controversial, the administration substituted ...
loans could cure. By the 1980’s, most African coun- tries were so sunk in debt that the entire continent could be said to be ste ...
tional attainment improved substantially during the decade. By 1980, more than 1.3 million African Americans were in college. By ...
(PCP). Over time, the medical community began to realize that such deaths of relatively rare diseases were symptomatic of a larg ...
vancement. The Supreme Court in 1980 ruled that Congress could impose racial quotas to counteract discrimination against African ...
York: Bantam Books, 1991. Provides unique in- sights into the Civil Rights movement by collect- ing first-person accounts of the ...
private parties from suing state governments on the basis of federal laws, were narrowly in the minority when the Supreme Court ...
Agriculture in Canada Definition The raising and preparation of crops and livestock for Canadian and foreign markets Crisis ch ...
often received little or nothing when their assets were disposed of by forced sales. In some areas, farm- ers protested mass evi ...
ets. However, over the course of the 1980’s, the loss of the Soviet market would prove to be the prover- bial drop in the bucket ...
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