Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

S-2 Subject Index

in object relations theory (Klein), 153–154,
in psychoanalytic social theory
(Horney), 175
in psychosexual development stages
(Freud), 43–49
in psychosocial development stages
(Erikson), 203f, 204 f, 206–210, 217t
temperament in, 448–449
Childhood and Society (Erikson), 199, 200
choice corollary (Kelly), 577
Cinderella, 117
Clark University, 26, 108, 388
classical conditioning, 467–468
client-centered therapy (Rogers), 291–292,
303–309, 309t. See also person-centered
theory (Rogers)
Client-Centered Therapy (Rogers), 295
Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child, The
(Rogers), 293
cognitive-affective personality systems (CAPs,
Mischel & Shoda), 550–559
cognitive-affective personality theory
(Mischel), 548–565
cognitive-affective personality system
(CAPS), 550–559
concept of humanity, 564–565
consistency paradox, 550–551, 552–553
critique, 563–564
introduction, 548
overview, 529–530
person-situation interaction, 551–552,
related research, 559–563
cognitive-affective units, 555–559
cognitive mediation, 519–520
cognitive modeling, 519
cognitive needs (Maslow), 266–267
cognitive psychology, 58, 59
cognitive social learning theory (Rotter),
concept of humanity, 564–565
critique, 563–564
empirical law of effect, 532
introduction, 531–532
maladaptive behavior, 544–545
overview, 529–530
predicting general behaviors, 536–544
predicting specific behaviors, 532–535
psychotherapy, 545–548
related research, 559–563
collective efficacy (Bandura), 496, 509–510
collective unconscious (Jung), 29, 105, 108,
110, 111–113, 115, 119f
Columbia University, 74, 260, 292–293, 326,
549, 550
common traits (Allport), 361–363. See also
commonality corollary (Kelly), 579–580
competence, 204f, 210
competencies (Mischel), 555–556
competition, in psychoanalytic social theory
(Horney), 174–175
complex (Jung), 111
complex behavior, 479–481
Comprehensive Marital Satisfaction Scale
(CMSS), 191
compulsive drives (Horney), 177–182
conative needs, 262–266
condensation, 54
conditioned reinforcers (Skinner), 472–473
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 466–475,
impact on personality, 485–486

capitalism, 229, 235, 248–249, 252–253
cardinal disposition (Allport), 362
in existential psychology (May), 336–338
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 278
in psychosocial development stages
(Erikson), 204f, 215
career choice, 98, 99t, 135–138
Anna O (Breuer), 24, 134
Little Albert (Watson & Raynor), 467–468
Little Hans (S. Freud), 145
Jenny Gove Masterson (Allport), 357,
370–372, 372t
Philip (May), 324, 332, 334, 340, 342,
Marion Taylor (Allport), 357, 369–370
castration anxiety. See castration complex
castration anxiety (Freud), 46–47
castration complex (Erikson), 208
castration complex (Freud), 46–47, 155
catharsis, 23
causality, 15, 79. See also causality versus
causality versus teleology
in analytical psychology (Jung), 121
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 492
in biological factor theory (Eysenck), 429
causality, defined, 15
in cognitive social learning theory,
in concept of humanity, 15
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 454
in existential psychology (May), 351
in Five-Factor Theory, 405
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 288
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 253
in individual psychology (Adler), 79, 103
in object relations theory, 168
in person-centered theory (Rogers), 321
in personal construct theory (Kelly),
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 225
in psychoanalytic social theory
(Horney), 194
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 68
in psychology of the individual
(Allport), 380
in social cognitive theory (Bandura), 526
teleology, defined, 15
censorship, 28–30, 31f, 32 f
Center for Studies of the Person, 294
central dispositions (Allport), 362
chance encounters (Bandura), 495, 503–504
character (Fromm), 238–241
character orientation (Fromm), 238–241,
244–245, 247–248
characteristic adaptations (McCrae & Costa),
394–395, 398
defined, 4
in psychology of the individual (Allport),
Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, 158
Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute, 173, 230
Chicago Studies, 312–315
aggression experiments of Bandura, 518
in analytical psychology (Jung),
127–128, 127f
early recollections (ERs), 92–94, 98–99, 99t
in Horney’s theory. See psychoanalytic
social theory (Horney)
latency stage (Freud), 43, 50

beliefs, in cognitive-affective personality
theory (Mischel), 556–557
Bell Object Relations Inventory (BORI),
Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute, 230
Beyond Freedom and Dignity (Skinner), 463
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud), 37
Big Five traits (McCrae & Costa), 7, 387,
440–441, 445t, 450–451, 590–591. See
also Five-Factor Theory
biological bases, of Five-Factor Theory, 395
biological-evolutionary theories, 8, 9t
biological versus social influences
in analytical psychology (Jung), 141
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 492
in biological factor theory (Eysenck), 429
in cognitive social learning theory, 565
in concept of humanity, 15
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 455
in existential psychology (May), 351
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow),
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 253
in individual psychology (Adler), 103
in object relations theory, 168
in person-centered theory (Rogers), 321
in personal construct theory (Kelly), 593
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 225
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 69
in psychology of the individual
(Allport), 380
in social cognitive theory (Bandura),
525, 526
biologically based factor theory (Eysenck),
biological bases of personality, 421–422
biological factor theory (Eysenck), 413–415
concept of humanity, 429
criteria for identifying factors, 414
critique of Eysenck, 428
dimensions of personality, 409, 415–421
measuring personality, 421
overview, 409–410
personality as predictor, 422–424
related research, 424–428
biophilia, 241, 242, 243f
bipolar traits, 385
birth order effects, 91–92, 93, 93t, 96–98
blame, 88
blaming the victim, 515
Bobo doll experiments, 518
body ego (Erikson), 200–201
Born to Rebel (Sulloway), 96–97
Boston University, 387–388
Brandeis University, 260–261, 265
Brief Index of Self-Actualization (BISA), 281,
British Psycho-Analytical Society, 143, 146
British Psychological Society, 523
Buddhism/Zen Buddhism, 231, 283, 284
bullying, 521–523
burden of freedom, 236–238
Burghöltzli Mental Hospital (Zurich), 107,
113, 130
Buss, David M., 430–456. See also
evolutionary psychology (Buss)
biography, 431, 433–434
critique, 453–454
publications, 434
by-products, 432–433, 436

Cambridge University, 159
cancer, 423–424

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