The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

There are no restrictions on the O/C’s [officers in command] of Southern and
Central Commands to impose curfew for a defined period in order to prevent a vio-
lent disturbance or for any action required to maintain public law and order. In accor-
dance with the existing regulations, greater freedom will be permitted for closing insti-
tutions which serve as hothouses for incitement to terrorism and disruption of the
public order, such as educational institutions and others. At the same time, we will
give full assistance to all those in the territories who wish to continue pursuing a nor-
mal life [there], and those who wish to leave for work in Israel.
I know that the depictions of the events in the territories, as these have found
expression in the foreign media, are not contributing to Israel’s image in many coun-
tries. Nevertheless, I am convinced that beyond the temporary problem of our image,
the supreme duty incumbent upon the government, the defense establishment and the
forces of the IDF, is to combat the violence in the territories and prevent it with all
the means at our disposal within the framework of the law. This we shall do, and I
am convinced that we shall be successful.
I want to say a few words to the Israeli Arabs. In the course of a generation you
have passed the test of loyalty to the State of Israel, and with the exception of isolated
and exceptional cases, you were unblemished. You were and you are part of us. I per-
mit myself to propose to you not to be dragged after incitement, not to be tempted
by calls to do harm and to demonstrate, and to remain as you have been until now:
loyal, and leading a tranquil life.
In the remote past you knew a tragedy, and it will be best for you and for us if
you do not revert to it or repeat it.
Even at this hour I find it needful as well as my duty to appeal to the Palestinian
inhabitants in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, not to be tempted by the incitement of the
leaders of the PLO terrorist organization. Your leaders, from the Mufti Haj Amin al-
Husseini to Arafat, have led you from one disaster to another. Every time you followed
them you encountered failures in which you, more than others, were the chief victims.
In the events to date 21 Arab residents have been killed and 158 wounded. Your life
has been disrupted. In addition, 31 IDF soldiers and Border Policemen have been
wounded, as well as 19 Israeli civilians. You will achieve nothing through violence and
terrorism. You have no chance of coping in this manner with the Israel Defense Forces
and the other security forces. The only way for a solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and
within that framework, a solution of the Palestinian problem, is via negotiations for peace.
Members of the Knesset,
I wish to express from this rostrum my esteem and appreciation to the soldiers
and officers of the IDF, the Israel Police, the Border Police and the other security
branches which are operating on behalf of the government to prevent violence wher-
ever it may be found, and to maintain the law, security and order for all the inhabi-
tants of the territories, Jerusalem and Israel.
I call for a joint and united stand behind the IDF and the security forces in their
mission. Let us strengthen them in the activity for their success, the success of us all.

SOURCE:Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


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