The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Sharon, Ariel (contnued)
disengagement policy
background, 312–315
overview, 166
statement by, 315–317
election of, 280, 288, 299
invasion of Lebanon, 335
Kadima Party creation, 315
October 1973 War, 113
road map for peace, 299
Sabra and Shatila massacres, 336
Shatt al-Arab waterway, 423–424
Shaw, Walter, 42
Shevardnadze, Eduard
background, 582
Geneva Accords, statements on,
Shomron, Daniel, 260
Shuqary, Ahmad, 169
Simpson, John Hope, 42
Sinai Peninsula, 178–182
Siniora, Fouad, 361, 366, 367
Six Arrows
legacy, 638
overview, 629
principles, 636–637
SLA. SeeSouth Lebanon Army
Solana, Javier, 279, 289
South Africa–Israeli relations, 116
South Lebanon Army (SLA), 354, 355
Soviet Union
invasion of Afghanistan
background, 569–572
Brezhnev interview, 577–580
Carter address, 575–577
memorandum, text, 572–574
overview, 566–567
resistance, aid to, 571–572
invasion of Iran, 376
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, joint U.S.
statement, 453–454
Israel, recognition of, 69
Middle East and, 86–87
Suez Crisis, 80–83
Turkey and, 632
withdrawal from Afghanistan, 580–582
Stateism, 637

Stern, Avraham, 56
Stern Gang, 56
Sturma(ship), 44
Suez crisis
background, 80–83, 86–87, 418
Egyptian nationalization of canal, 38, 80
Eisenhower letter to Ben-Gurion, 85–86
Protocol of Sèvres
background, 81
text, 83–84
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 13–14
UN General Assembly Resolution 997,
text, 84–85
Sumerians, 417
Sunay, Cevdet, 640
Sykes, Mark, 4, 13
Sykes-Picot Agreement
background, 13–14, 25, 417
incorporation, letter from Grey to
Cambon, 14–16
overview, 4
French colonialism, 7, 26
General Syrian Congress
background, 20
declaration, 21–22
invasion of Lebanon, 328–329, 332, 345
Israeli peace talks, 217, 277
1948 Arab-Israeli War, armistice, 74
October 1973 War, 112–115
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 13–14
Treaty of Sèvres, 631
withdrawal of troops from Lebanon
background, 359–361
overview, 329
UN Security Council Resolution
1559, text, 361–362
UN Security Council statement,

Tagmac, Memduh, 643
Taif Accord
background, 332, 344–346
Lebanese National Reconciliation
Charter, 346–354
overview, 329


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