- Ibid .. pp. 129-3L 133: Pak Chonggun, "Tasan," pp. 86-98: Hong Isap, ChOng
Yagyong, pp. 111-12.
- Kim Yongs6p, "Sipp'alku segi ui nong'op silchong," pp. 131-33.
- Ibid .. pp. 136-41. Pak Chonggiln also tried to argue that there were progressive
elements in Tasan's thought, such as the use of rational means for increasing agricul-
tural production, technological improvement, expansion of mining, minting currency.
and thc establishment of independent and separate vocations for all people. Hc was con-
vinced that these ideas must have been inspired by the transition occurring in the Korean
economy at the time, the transition from a feudal to a capitalist economy. Nevertheless,
his argument was not as thorough and sophisticated as that of Kim Yongsop. Pak
Chonggiln, "Tasan," pp. 79, I04, 109.
- Kim Yongsop discussed S6's early writings, in "Sipp'alku segi ui nong'op silchong,"
pp. 141-46.
- Ibid .. pp. 153-54.
- Ibid .. pp. 154-58.
- Ibid .. pp. 164-58.
CHAPTER 10, The Royal Division Model
I. Ch'a Munsop, "Chosonjo Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung, sang [Expansion of mil-
itary defenses under King Hyojong of thc Choson dynasty, pt. I] Nonmunjip (Tan 'guk
taehakkyo) 1 (1967):28 n. 9,
- Ibid., pp. 25-28; Yi T'aejin, Chason hugi iii c!u)ngch'i wa kunyongje pyonjon [Pol-
itics and changes in the army division system in the late Choson period] (Seoul: Han 'guk
y6n'guwon, 1985), pp. 154-56; Yi Kung'ik, YollY(lsil kisul 32 (Keijo: Chosen kosho
kankokai, 19T 2-13) 5:352-61, "Hyojongjo kosa ponma!. Kim Chaj6m ok" [The com-
plete details of Hyojong's rcign, the treason case of Kim Chaj6mJ.
- Ch'a Muns6p, "Hyojong ui kunbi kwangch'ong," pt. I, pp. 28-36.
- Pak's last proposal was simply for repair of bronze cannon on ships stationed off
the southern coast.
- Ch'a MunsClp, "Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. I, p. 41; see Hyojollg sillok
- Ch'a Munsop, "Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. I, pp. 41-42, see n.17, which
quotes passages from Hyojong sit/ok II, Hyojong 4.i7 .kimi, andPibyonsa tiingnak, Hyo-
jong 4.i7.28. This note also gives a figure of 204,229 men for the total absent or miss-
ing from the military registers in 1648.
7· Ch'aMunsop, "Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. I, pp. 43-44, and KSDSJ T :319.
- KSDSJ 2:1494, article on chinyong)ang, another term for wlngjanr;: Ch'a Munsop,
"Hyojong eli kunbi kwangch'tlJ1g," pt. I, pp. 45-46.
- Ch'a reports this as the creation of Hyojong, but the KSDSJ 1 :365 states that Yi Kwi
was responsible for its establishmcnt in lnjo's reign, and that it continucd in operation
until 1882. Until this discrcpancy is solved by a search through the sources. I would tend
to prefer Ch'a's account. Ch'a, "Hyojong ili kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. I. p. 46.