Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

was proposed by Kim Ku. Yu Chib'il was in charge of drawing up the Reform Regula-
tions, and Yi Yu drafted the regulations for fining school dropouts on his own. Sukchong
sUlok 40:59b.

  1. Sukchong sillok 40:59b; Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan ihu l1i yangyok," pl. 2, p. 127; Chong
    YOnsik, "Yangyok kyunilhwa" (1985), pp. 155-63.

  2. Sukchong .Iillok 40:5Rb-59b; Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan ihu l1i yangyok," pt. 2, p. 127.

  3. Cloth tax revenues would also be used to pay for all miscellaneous costs associated
    with ships including "land goods." Sukchong sillok, 40:56b-57b; Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan
    ihu i1i yangyok," pt. 2, p. 127.

  4. For details, see Yi T'aejin, Han 'guk kunjesa (1977), pp. 169-71; idem, Choson hugi
    (1985), pp. 225-28. For the original source for the reforms of 1704 in this and other notes
    to follow, see Sukchong sillok 40:54a-59b, Sukchong 30.12.kabo.

  5. Yi T'aejin, Han'guk kunjesa (1977), pp. 173-75; idem, Choson hugi (1985), pp.
    230 -3 2.

  6. For Pak's later recommendations, see Sukchong sillok 50 ha:36b-37b; for Yi
    Imyong's, sec n. 12, following.

  7. Pak Kwon's version of a capitation tax is to be found in n. II. For the rest of the
    debate, see Sukchong sillok 50 sang:38b; forYi Imyong's proposal, see ibid. 50, ha:3a-5b,
    although the introductory statement to his memorial indicates that Yi submitted it a few
    days before.

  8. PBSDN 6:306-10, but the discussion appears to have been held earlier, on 10.23.
    The best source for the regulations is PBSDN 6:320-25. A comprehensive but slightly
    abridged version is in Sukchong sillok 50 ha:34b-36a. The main points are summarized
    in Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan ihu l1i yangyok," pt. 2, pp. 129-30.
    I4. Chong Yonsik, "Yangyok kyunilhwa" (19R5), pp. 129-30, 141, 154-63.

  9. SlIkcliong sillok 55:3 la-32b. See also Kim Chinbong. Ch'a Yongg61, and Yang Kisok,
    "Choson sidae kunyok chawon iii pyondong e tae han yon'gu: Hoso chi bang iii kyong'iirUi
    chungsimiiro r A study of the changes in the sources of military service taxes in the Choson
    period: The case of Ch'ungch'ong Province] Hoso munhwa win 'gu, no. 3 (1983), p. 75.

  10. K\'Iingjol1g sillok 4:1 la.

  11. Yiingjo .1·iI/ok 27:25a.

  12. Ibid. 28:29b-30a.

  13. SJW 42:953,956-58; Yongjo sillok 36:34b-37a; idem 37: II a-b.

  14. Chong, "Yangyok l1i kyunilhwa" (1985), pp. 139-41.

  15. Yongjo sillok 58: rob; ibid. 6T44b; cited in Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan ihu Ui yangyok,"

  16. Ch'a, "Imnan ihu Ui yangyok," pt. 2, pp. 131-33.

  17. The following comments derive from Yongjo sillok, 71:I8h-34b, and SJW
    58:81-144. Because of the press oftime, I have only covered the material from pp. 81-144,
    but intend a more thorough study in the future. The material through the end of the sev-
    enth lunar month in the latter source ends on p. 242.

  18. See n. 26 below for references to the context of the debate.

  19. lowe thanks to Jack Dull for pointing out an anachronism in this quotation. The

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