Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

ing out punishment. He recommended that the provincial governors again issue orders
promising strict punishment for illegal circulation of cash, after which the government
could use all the cash it received to buy grain at market prices to provide relief in advance
of an anticipated shortagc in the next harvest, or to distribute the cash to districts south
of the butfer zone to provide cash loans to the peasants, and then collect the repayments
in cash, part of which would be used to buy grain, and part diverted to the income of the
magistrate (the hoerok or recording fee). MHBG 159:16a-h.

  1. James B. Palais, Politics and Polic.v in Traditional Korea (Cambridge: Harvard Uni-
    versity Press, 1975), p. 169.
    9· Yongjo sillok 55:3oh-31a, Yongjo 18.6.sinmyo: SJW 51 :674a-675b, Kollyung 7.6-4:
    Chlingbu Han'guk hwap'yesa, p. 52.

  2. A small multiple-denomination coin worth 2 pieces of cash (tang'ijon) was first
    minted in 1679. It weighed .25 yang (8.375 grams). Han'guk iinhaeng, ChUngbo Han 'guk
    hwap'yesil. p. 43.
    II. SJW 5 I :691h-d, Kollyung 7.6.16 (kyemyo); Yangjo sillok 55:33<1. Yongjo 18.6.kye-
    myo; Han'guk iinhacng, Cln1ngbo Han'guk hwap'yesa, p. 52.

  3. Tashiro Kazui. Kinsei Nissen tsako boekishi no kenkyii [A study of the Japan-Korea
    tradc in recent timcs] (Tokyo: S6bunsha, 1981), pp. 323-29. 334-39.

  4. SJW 51 :69yl-696c, 697c, Kollyung 7.6.19 (p'yong'o): Y/5ngjo sillok 5Y33b-34a,
    Yongjo 18.6.p'yong'0; PBS I I :270-71. For <1 hrief summary of the debate in 1742, see
    Won Yuhan, "Choson hugi hwap'ye chongeh'ack e taehan ilkoch'al: Koaekchon iii chuy-
    ong non'iiiriil chungsimiiro" [A study of late Choson currency policy: Proposals to mint
    multiple-denomination cash], Han 't-:uksa yrJn 'gu 6 (September 1971):77.

  5. Ibid.
    15· Yangjo sillok 55:33h-34a, Yongjo 18.6.p'yong'o.

  6. Ibid. 71: I 8a, Y6ngjo 2().5.sinhaek; MHBG 159:16h-l7a.

  7. W6n Yuhan, "Choslll1 hugi hwap'ye chongch'aek e taehan ilkoch'al," p. 81 n.28:
    Won Yuhan, "Sipp'al segi e issoso iii hwap'ye chongch'aek: Tongjon iii chujo sajop
    chungsim" ICun'ency policy in the eighteenth century: The minting of coppcr cash 1. Sahak
    yan'gu 19 (April 1967):62.

  8. Kang Man 'gil, Ch(JS(!n hugi sangop chabon iii sangjang: Kyongsijr'!n songsangdiing
    iii toga sangob'iil chungsimiiro [The growth of commercial capital in lateChoson: Whole-
    saling by the licensed monopolies in the capital and the merchants of Kaesong] Han't-:uksa
    yon 'gu I (September 1968):80-87: idem, ChOS(11l hugi sangop chaboll iii paltal [The
    development of commercial capital in the late Choson period] (Seoul: Koryo taehakkyo
    ch'ulp'anbu, 1973), pp. 168-75, 197·

  9. Yu Wondong, Han 'guk kiindae kYrJngjesa [Studies in the recent economic history
    of Koreal (Seoul: Ilchisa. 1977). pp. 224-28; Kang Man'gil, Chos(ln hugi sangop chabon
    iii paltal. pp. 73,175-83. For the origins of the yug'iiijan, see Yu Kyosong. "Soul Yug'iiijon
    yon'gu" [A stucly of the Seoul six licensed shops], Yoksa hakpo X (1955):377-434.

  10. Chr!ngjo sillok 12:55b, Ch6ngjo 5.1 1.kihaek, cited in Kang Man'gil, C1lOS(!n hugi
    sangop chaboll iii {la/tal, p. 197.

  11. Ihid., p. 197.

  12. Sin Sokho, "Hacjc" I Explanatory note], in Pak Chega, Ch(lngYlIjip: fJlI Pukhag'iii

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