Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Shang-shu (Ch.) flU 11 minister, of one
of the Six Ministries in China; Master
of Documents (Sui)
Shang-shu sheng (Ch.) flU 1!t1!'l De-
partment of State Affairs (rang and
Shang-shu ta-chuan (Ch.) flU 11 fl;!J.
Commentary on the Shu-ching
shao-hsing (Ch.) ~ J!. year period
(1131-63) of the Southern Sung dy-
she (pao) (Ch.) U ( ~ ) household
she (Ch.) f± spirit of earth
she-shou (Ch.) :f± § head of the village
shrine (Sung)
she-ts 'ang (Ch.) U if village granary
Shen-yang (p.n.) 'il1W in Manchuria
Sheng (Ch.) !§ province (Yuan-Ch'ing)
Shih (Ch.) 5e. document clerk (Chou)
shih (Ch.) • tme, real, actual sub-
shih (Ch.) 15 Chinese unit of grain
volume, I picul
shih (Ch.) ± scholar-officials, scholars;
low-level official (Chou)
shih (Ch.)
shih (Ch.) ~ a type of poem
shih and hua (Ch.) ~ food and
Shih-cheng-chi ~ lI& 1tC Daify Record
of Events
Shih-chi 5e.ltC Ssu-ma Ch'ien's Rec-
ords of the Grand Historian
Shih-lin yen-yil (Ch.) 15
m~ Text
by Yeh Meng-te
shih-ta-fu (Ch.) ±~ scholar-
shih-tsu (Ch.) ± li
families or lineages
of scholar officials
shih-yung (Ch.) Jf m practical utility
Shogun. (1.) mFJJ military mler
shu (Ch.) Wi tactics


shu (Ch.) ff.f, commoners
shu (Ch.) • weight, used for coins: as
in 2-shu, 4-sI1ll, or 5-shu coins
Shu-ching (Ch.) ,. ~ The Book of
Shu-Han dynasty Ii fl
Shu-mi-ytian (Ch.) ~ ~ ~ Bureau of
Military Affairs (Sung)
shuai (Ch.) ~rjJ special military com-
manders (Sung)
si 1± on duty
Sibwi +~ the Ten Guards
Sig'llp 1t!5 prebend, grant of tax
income only to a person or institution
sija 1±:if incumbent ofTicials
sijan rtf .II licensed shops
sijong -ffl t£ royal attendants
Sijonggwan -ffl t£ 1r royal attendants
sikch 'ae 1t * prebends
sikhwa * j!{ food and money
sikki seip 1tJt:&A collect tax income
sikse 1t & prebends
siksejiji it & z:liJ! prebendal grants
siksejib6p 1t & Z #i: prebendal allot-
sikwa ~f-l-grades of woodland
sit. tme, real, actual substance, tme
silky61 jlf t.ti "tme land" or taxable land
Silla dynasty if MIl
silli jlf:OO real principle; the principle
that exists in real objects and things of
the world
Sillok.~ Veritable Records of indi-
vidual kings
silsa • $ real facts
silsa kusi ... *. seek tmth from
facts (or real events)
silso l}c J9f landholdings?, places
sim 'Ili it:;& ceremonial garment
Simyak ,.. inspector of medicine
sill gr male base person (in the Rites of
sill gr subject or official
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