Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Hyongwon's refonn plan. 630. 684~86,
835, 84[~45. See also Government
Cloth: cheap grades of. 52,58; cotton, 30,
58~59, [J [~12. 806, 944. 959. [028; as
currency and tribute. 5 J~59 passim, J [[,
942,944: in early Choson. 29~30; after
Imjin War, I I I ~ 12: plice or. 806; ramie,
5[~52, 57~58, 981 ; silk. 29~30, 956, 959.
985; and taxation, [ [2. See also Currency
Cloth tax. See Taxation
Clothing, 637~39, 642
Colbert, 355
Collection centers (Pangyokso), 756
Commerce and industry: artisans, 29~30,
J IO~[ [; in Confucian thought, 29~32, 59,
873, 875,964.967.968.975, IO[7~[8;
disdain for. 968. 984: in early Choson. [6,
29~32. SJ~53, 59.60,74: and government
activities. 624~25: growth of, 856; after
Imjin War. J 9, 74. J J o~ J 3: joint-sales
decree. 985~87; Korea comparcd with
China. 983~85. 989~92; in late Choson, 2 J,
873, 964~98; monopolies, 982, 985~86:
moral considerations, 74 [~72; texti les,
t [1~12. See also Currency; Economy; For-
eign trade; Merchants
Commoner Service Investigation Bureau, 550
Commoners (yang'in): in forced labor, 47: and
landownership, 108; in late Koryo era, 26;
obstacles to upward mobility of, 39; peasant
cultivators, 277~78; proportion of po pula-
tion, 225. 230. 23t~32: as a social class, 35;
take on base status, 68. 250; and taxation,
948; and tribute contracting. 7 I, 74
Communism, 18,319,355.356,714
Community compact systems (hmngyak),
174, I 88~89, 433. 674, 699~700, 702,
705~ 34; in China, 706~9; developments
afterYu Hyongwon, 752~57; officials, 514,
677,717,718,723,728, 739,834;Yu
H yongwon 's approach, 735~ 51
Community Regulations, 758
Comprehensive Mirror of the Eastern Land,
Comprehensive Rites Agency, 622
Concurrent Royal Stables (Kyomsabok), 433,
435,506. 1105, J 113
Confucian statecraft: adaptability of, 2 I; com-
plexitics of. I 002~ I 9; and deposition of
kings, 61 ~62: in early Chosiln period, 5~6,
J 5~2o, 25~6(]; and factionalism, 7, 63,
10°7: and igi debate, I 1~13: and Imjin War,

INDEX (^1239)
18, 1008; incompleteness of transformation
in Korea, 1003~4, 1019: and institutional
breakdown. 18. 1007: and loyalty to the
throne, 6t~62, 63: and reform, 14, 18~20,
75, 1008~ 14; and royal leadership, 328; and
spoils system. 62. Sec also Nco-Confucian
statecraft: Sirhak (Practical Learning)
Confucianism: on aglicultural production,
276, 319, 1006; and archery and wine-
drinking rites, 71 I~I2; and Buddhism,
2S~26, 59; and bureaucracy, 674; and cash,
875; in China, 1003~4; and Christianity,
123; before Choson era, 5, 25~26; in
Chos6n era, 5~6, 15~20, 25~28, 56, 59~
60, 2 17~25, 1003~4; and commerce, 742,
1006~7, 1018~T9; and discipline of offi-
cials, 179; and foreign trade, IOfn: on
human nature, 200, 328, 484, 1005; on
importance or age, 139. 178: and land redis-
tribution, 276, 325: on liheral education,
176; and loyalty to the king. 581,61 J; and
marriage. 601: on military afrairs, 413, 531;
and military and technical skills, 188; on
moral character vs. utility, 150~51, 712:
and peasants, 530, 1006; Physiocrats, 388,
590, 6 J I, 1007; on punishment, 420, 1005;
rationality and empiricism, 9~lo; rectifica-
tion of names, 157; and school system, 128,
179~82, 188; on "seriousness," 181; and
slavery, 15, 26, I 19, 215, 2 I 7~25, 236,
240, 269; and social anomalies, t5; and
violence, 53
Constantine, 209
Copper: for coinage, 30, 52~59 passim, 523,
857; Korean imports of. 857. 859, 873, 928,
946,972.977,978.979,988: melting brass
for minting, 970. 978: melting eoins for
other uses, 869, ~74, 887, 891, 897, 946;
mining, 988~89, 996~97; price of, 891,
897,933; scrap copper, 867, 868; shortages
of, 928~29, 958, 988; smuggling, 56, 970:
sources of, 53, 54~55, 857, 988; use for
weapons, 522~23, 89 I. See also Cun'ency
Correct Tones of the Hung-wu Era, 639
Colton production. See Cloth
Court for Providing Aid (Sas<Jmsi). 54~55,
62 4, 687
Court of Imperial Entertainments (Kuang-lu-
ssu), 779. 821
Court of Interpreters (Sayclgwon). 187.421,
617, 62 3,644
Court of Music (Chang·agwon). 187,617,622

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