Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

inflation and deflation. 924-63: in early
Choson era, [6-17,29-32.50-59,77; eco-
nomic liberalization, 3, 824-25: expendi-
tures, estimated annual, 845-47; after Imjin
War, 19; and market networks. 30-31; and
military financing, 469-500; Ming fiscal
refornl. 77: revenues and disbursements,
969-70: subsidized prices. 825-26; tribute
system, 2 I, 77 [-814. See also Commerce
and industry; Currency; Foreign trade:
Landownership; Merchants; Monetary pol-
icy; taedong system; Taxation; Tribute
Education: Chou model, 125-3[; Confucian
liberalism, 176; Han dynasty, 131-32: mass
education, 170-74, 205, 1003; moral basis
for, 124-28, 183-88, 190-91: restrictions
on eligihility for. 190-91: two-track sys-
tem, 130-31: Yu Hyongwon's reform pro-
gram. 170-207. See also Examination
system: Schools
"Eight seats." 650
Elder Westerner faction (Noso). 96, 98, 102,
[ [3
Elders, 153,721,725-26
Elvin, Mark, 902
Empresses, 600
England, 355, 359
Entertainment, 622, 686
Equal-field system, 42-43, 44-45, 69, 276,
280, 286-99 passim, 432, 508
Equal Service Law. See kyuny6kl'6p
Equal Service Reform (I750-52), [92,
Europe: absolutism. 355: agriculture, 364;
labor force. 245-46
Ever-Normal Agency, 690
Ever-Normal Bureau (Sangp'yongch'ong),
521,801,804,809,858-7 [ passim, 909,
926 ,9 29
Ever-Normal Circulating Treasure
(Sangp'yong t'ongbo), 58
Ever-Normal Directorate (Sangp'yonggam),
Ever-Normal Granary. See Granaries
Examination system: in China, 33. [ [6,
[39-44,202-3.506: civil service, 27, 28,
33,34.35.38-41.59-60.116. rr8, 139; in
early Choson, 147. 148; eligibility. 35, 36,
39-40: evils of. 139-49. 506-7; Korean,
144-48,506-7; in Koryo era. 139, 146-47:
and literary talent, 140-42. ISS, 158; mili-
tary, 35.433: nothoi. merchants. artisans,

INDEX 1241

33; recruitment percentages, 33-34: reform,
14 I -42, 149-54, 154-69: technical (chap-
kwa), 33: versus the recommendation sys-
tem, 202-4; in Yu Hyongwon', reform
program, 175-77. See also als6ng; chap-
kwa; chon.gsi; Education: saengH'6n
Exemplars o[The Three Moral Relmionships,
Expansive Emergent Warehouse, 644

fa (laws), 122, 123, 134
fa (status). 136
fa-yiieh (aristocratic family status), 136
Factionalism: Easterners, 63, 77; over foreign
policy, 92-93, 96, 97-98,101-2, [13:
Great Northerners, 63. 93, 96. 457: growing
power of. 19: hereditary, 63-64: Northern-
ers, 7, 64: and policy toward Japan, 77; Pure
Westerners. 103R: Small Northerners, 459,
1038; Southerners. 7: and threat of rebel-
lion, 539-40: Westerners, 7, 63, 77· See
also pyokp {1; .IiI' 0; Southerner faction
(Nam'in); Westerner faction (Soin)
Fallen Party, 395
Family pedigree. See munji
Family Rites (Chia-li), 628, 715
Famine: of 1695, 929; of 17[6, 933. See also
fan-chen. 88
Fan Chung-yen, 143,667
Fan T'ai, 887. 888. 1145
Fan Tsu-yu. 30 I. 302. 599-60 I. 619
Fan Yeh, 132, 139-40. 595, 596. 597
Fang-po. 665, 678
fang-lien, 302
feng-chien. Sec I'Ollggrl11
Feudalism, 279. 284-86. 678. 783, 1005
Finance Commission (San-ssu), 598
Finances. See Currency; Economy; Govern-
ment; Monetary system; Taxation
Financial Commission (Samsa), 72
Firearms Directorate, 84
Fishing weirs, 834
Five Armies Command. 410
Five Classics, 203
Five Dynasties period, 307
Five Guards (Owi), 80. 86. 391, 433, 446,
453,47^2 .474,4^8 5.5^0 3-5,5^0 7. 508 , 534,
Five Guards Directorate (Owi toch'ongbu),
504, 1105
Five Military Divisions (Ogunyong). 39 [,470,
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