Mass Media and Historical Change. Germany in International Perspective, 1400 to the Present
14 | Mass Media and Historical Change of multiplying incantatory spells, much like advertising in our age’ (McLuhan [1962] 2011: ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 15 various developments. Firstly, it resulted from the well-organised Chinese edu- ca ...
16 | Mass Media and Historical Change an increasingly commercial book market flourished in China, particularly in the middle of ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 17 One explanation as to why typographic printing failed to establish itself to the s ...
18 | Mass Media and Historical Change xylographic prints covering a circulation of at least three hundred and maybe up to ten th ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 19 argued that Asian book manufacturing should not be described by the same terms tha ...
20 | Mass Media and Historical Change been superseded by paper, which was available at a considerably lower cost (Neddermeyer 19 ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 21 of the typographic era and of ‘printed memory’, but indeed also a period of increa ...
22 | Mass Media and Historical Change with the number rising to 252 within the following twenty years. In the early stages, a th ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 23 New media technology was suppressed even more rigidly in the Ottoman regions. Even ...
24 | Mass Media and Historical Change far-reaching) that Gutenberg’s invention promoted a premature formation of proto-national ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 25 302). Broadsides and pamphlets, in particular, therefore reached a countless numbe ...
26 | Mass Media and Historical Change with whose help it is possible to illustrate their social significance. Leaflets (Flugblat ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 27 76–90). Recent research, though, stresses that their news reporting was chiefly of ...
28 | Mass Media and Historical Change particularly little monitoring of leaflets (Harline 1987: 227). The fact that in the seven ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 29 suspended from balloons. Last but not least, his circulation of print-work was an ...
30 | Mass Media and Historical Change To conclude, the findings so far have revealed that Gutenberg’s invention was no ‘media re ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 31 system, without going hand in hand with a capitalistic structure (Lie 2003). McLuh ...
32 | Mass Media and Historical Change use. Researchers on the topic of nationalism, however, hold the view that this phenomenon ...
The Breakthrough of Typographic Printing | 33 It is without doubt that printing changed the way knowledge was imparted, leading ...
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