Mass Media and Historical Change. Germany in International Perspective, 1400 to the Present
94 | Mass Media and Historical Change States, and was organised on the principles of private enterprise. The work of Winseck and ...
The Media and the Road to Modernity | 95 the newspapers to focus on events, a development that favoured a truncated headline-lik ...
96 | Mass Media and Historical Change being responsible for a specific region. In this system Reuters (which covered primarily t ...
The Media and the Road to Modernity | 97 Regional studies of media communication in the Empire have come to the same conclusion. ...
98 | Mass Media and Historical Change a defining role in these changes (Huffman 1997: 2). After Western merchants had establishe ...
The Media and the Road to Modernity | 99 had contracts. Early Chinese publishing houses developed out of the Chinese editions of ...
100 | Mass Media and Historical Change Although newspapers in all the African colonies had low circulation, their significance s ...
The Media and the Road to Modernity | 101 thus not without significance in spite of their marginal circulation and the prevalent ...
102 | Mass Media and Historical Change Many global occurrences in media history during recent years are still in need of study. ...
Chapter 4 Modernity, World Wars and Dictatorships Film and Media Culture before and during the First World War Around 1900, the ...
104 | Mass Media and Historical Change immensely high circulation figures of newspapers, magazines and books in the twentieth ce ...
Modernity, World Wars and Dictatorships | 105 Early film thus had a transnational historical dimension in a twofold sense. For o ...
106 | Mass Media and Historical Change example, showed sundry cities from New York to Rome focusing on crowds gathered at inters ...
Modernity, World Wars and Dictatorships | 107 in music halls, pub atmospheres were livelier. From 1896, cinematograph the- atres ...
108 | Mass Media and Historical Change indeed among the audiences (Müller 2003: 194–201). What is more, film producers were bour ...
Modernity, World Wars and Dictatorships | 109 La Presa di Roma was released in 1905. Denmark and Sweden gained fame for their me ...
110 | Mass Media and Historical Change increasingly dwelt on the possibility of war, the majority militated against it. Their in ...
Modernity, World Wars and Dictatorships | 111 to send in their travelogues as ‘amateur journalists’. Death was completely blanke ...
112 | Mass Media and Historical Change the supply situation and inappropriate advertisements. Highly detailed addi- tions were m ...
Modernity, World Wars and Dictatorships | 113 and the military. Despite the fact that the Bufa lacked both professionalism and b ...
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