The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 823

Articles of Confederation, 172, 174, 199, 265,
276, 316
Artois, 33, 352; Estates of, 329
Asia, 10
Asia Minor, 503
Assembly of the Clergy, 345, 345n20
Assembly of Notables, 3, 38, 342, 346, 350,
“Association A- M,” 707
Atlantic Civilization, 6
Augereau, Pierre, 565, 603, 619
Aulard, François Victor Alphonse, 332, 260,
465n27, 508n4
Austria, 55, 79, 80, 107, 500–504, 679–82; and
British sea power, 740; Estates Party and
the Austrian Democrats in, 426, 427;
growth of Austrian power in Germany,
536; influence of in Switzerland, 665; and
the Papal States, 783; peace of with France,
780; and the Roman Republic, 654; Statist
party in, 427, 430, 452, 496. See also Haps-
burg Empire
Austrian Empire. See Hapsburg Empire
Austrian Netherlands, 14, 78, 199, 242, 255,
262–64, 44, 496; and the French Directory,
Austro- Russian Reaction, 783
Auvergne, Estates of, 343
Avis aux Bataves (Condorcet), 420

Babeuf, Gracchus, 462, 499, 542, 548, 550,
554, 558, 788; arrest of, 574; communism
of, 521, 554; conspiracy of, 513, 517, 520,
520n28, 547; and Robespierre, 570, 584;
trial of, 547, 548. See also Babouvism/
Babouvism/Babouvists, 401, 520, 520n28, 521,
521n29, 470, 575, 579; effect of on later
revolutions, 538, 740; inner circle of, 547
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 769
Baden, 699
Bahia, 8, 648, 749
Balkans, the, 502–4; and the issue of Western-
izing reform in, 502–4
Bancroft, George, 139
Barlow, Joel, 321 324, 420, 531, 760; as an
honorary French citizen, 416
Barnard, Anne, 528
Barnave, Antoine, 358, 363
Baron Ingelström, 445, 482–84

Baron Thugut, 600
Barras. See Vicomte de Barras
Barruel, Augustin (Abbé Barruel), 415, 496,
559–63; conspiracy theory of the French
Revolution, 559–60; critique of the philos-
ophes, 560–61; lists of “adepts” of who were
actually revolutionaries, 561
Barzoni, Vittorio, 609, 732, 770
Basel, 16, 30, 671–73; revolts in, 699
Bassville, Hugo de, 584, 645
Bastille Day, 379–83, 401; and the Altar of the
Country (l ’autel de la patrie), 382
Batavian Legion, 416–18, 429, 462, 511, 579
Batavian Republic, 7, 188, 387, 505–29, 639,
637, 781, 782; administration of the Cape
Colony by, 527, 528; constitution of, 611;
federalists and democrats in, 610; and the
French coup d’état of Fructidor, 523, 526,
564 603; public debt of, 519; societies of
Unity and Indivisibility in, 518; under-
ground activities in supported by the
British, 515, 516, 516n23
Batavian Revolution, 520, 524, 527
Batavian Revolutionary Committee, 420, 422,
462, 464
Battle of Alamance, 147
Battle of Camperdown, 523
Battle of Jemappes, 550, 575
Battle of Lodi. See Val Padana region, and the
bridge at Lodi
Battle of Maciejowice, 489
Bavaria, 27, 706
Bayard, D. T., 536
Bazire, M., 385
Beard, Charles A., 171, 172, 175
Bearn, 23
Beccaria, Cesare, 79–80
Beckford, William, 126, 259
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 702
Beitrag zur Berechtgung der Urteile des Publi-
kums über die französische Revolution
(Fichte), 703
Belgian Netherlands, 23
Belgian- Ligeois Legion, 416, 417, 426
Belgian Republic, 427–28
Belgium, 7, 14, 15, 162, 286, 394, 473, 616;
American influence in, 199; annexation of,
429–34; Belgian Democrats, 427–29, 432–
34; First Estate of, 257; gild memberships
in, 258; problem of civilian- military rela-
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