What is Islamic Art
El-Said, Issam and Ayşe Parman (1976).Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art. London: World of Islam Festival Publication Company. El ...
Foucault, Michel (1994).The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Vintage. (2005).The Order of Things ...
Ginzberg, Louis, and Henrietta Sold, trans. (1946).The Legends of the Jews. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America. ...
Grigore, George (2013).“Kalila wa Dimna and Its Journey to the World Literatures,”Romano-Arabica13: 139–150. Gruber, Christiane ...
Heath, Peter (2005). “Reading al-Ghazali: The Case of Psychology,” in Todd Lawson, ed.,Reason and Inspiration in Islam. London: ...
Jomard, M., ed. (1809–1828).Description de l’Égypte, ou, Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ontétéfaites enÉgypte pe ...
King, Anya (2008).“The Importance of Imported Aromatics in Arabic Culture: Illustrations from Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Poet ...
Lavoix, Henri (1875).“Les Arts musulmans: de l’emploi desfigures,”Gazette des Beaux-Arts100: 97–113. Lelli, Giovanna (2014).“Neo ...
Marroum, Marianne (2011).“Kalila wa Dimna: Inception, Appropriation, and Transmimesis,”Comparative Literature Studies48: 512–540 ...
Milani, Farzaneh (1999).“The Mediatory Guile of the Nanny in Persian Romance,” Iranian Studies32(2): 181–201. Minorsky, V., tran ...
Neuwirth, Angelika (2003).“Qur’an and History–a Disputed Relationship: Some Reflections on Qur’anic History and History in the Q ...
Plutarch, and John Dryden, trans.; Arthur Hugh Clowe, ed. (2004).The Life of Alexander the Great. New York: Modern Library. Pope ...
Rodowick, D. N. (2009).“Impure Mimesis, or the Ends of the Aesthetic,”in Donald Preziosi, ed.,The Art of Art History: A Critical ...
Schimmel, Annemarie (1979).“Eros–Heavenly and Not So Heavenly–in Sufi Literature and Life,”in Afaf Lutfial-Sayyid-Marsot, ed.,So ...
Singh, Kavita (2017).Real Birds in Imagined Gardens: Mughal Painting between Persia and Europe. Los Angeles: Getty Research Inst ...
(2001).The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival. Seattle: University of Washington Press. at-Ta’labi, Ahmad ib ...
(2001).The Wisdom of the Mystic East. Albany: State University of New York Press. Walker, Alicia (2008).“Patterns of Flight: Mid ...
Index Abbasid caliphate (750–1258), 17 , 22 , 36 – 40 , 45 , 71 , 73 , 139 , 162 , 193 , 195 , 276 , 278 , 290 , 332 al-Ma’mun ( ...
al-Bayhaqi, Abu Bakr (d. 1043), 187 Beham, Sebald (1500–1550), 257 Bell, Gertrude (1868–1926), 316 Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 2 ...
El-Bizri, Nader, 127 , 294 Elkins, James, 169 , 170 , 180 , 300 , 306 Elsner, Jas, 15 Ephesus, 199 Ettinghausen, Richard (1906–1 ...
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