learned in a high
school psychol-
ogy class that
colors can impact
your thoughts and
feelings. At least
I’m pretty sure that’s what
the teacher said....But if I
wasn’t paying attention, at
least the witches were,
who now use colors to
invoke certain energies—
with interior design. My
professional witch friend
and color-magick practi-
tioner Sarah Potter gave
me some *chef’s kiss* tips
when I was feeling burned
out a few months ago. She
suggested I:
(12.22– 01.19)
Lately, you’ve felt like your relation-
ship isn’t working...and that it’s not
just them, it’s you too. You’re right,
and if you can’t start compromis-
in g, i t mi g h t b e t im e t o m ov e o n.
Color magick
turned my
apartment into
my therapist
A n d I di d n’t e ve n h a ve
to get a new couch.
84 Cosmopolitan May 2020