Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1

c Cutting-edge coverage of mediated communication that examines how
we communicate now. Real Communication incorporates exciting research
and practical advice on communicating via technology, along with student-
oriented topics like social networking, privacy, and trolling.

c New and updated sample speeches accompanied by new full-length
videos. These speeches, entitled “Social Media, Social Identity, and Social
Causes” and “Preventing Cyberbullying,” explore relevant topics in writ-
ten and visual formats to help students improve their own public speaking
skills. To learn more about the videos, see the LaunchPad section that

c Focus on real people in real careers. Our revamped Real Communicator
boxes, which can be found in every chapter, include a fascinating look at
how communication study has launched many diverse careers, from doc-
tor, to media research professional, to actress (just see the box on Octavia
Spencer!). Our “Real Communicators” both share career advice and show
students that communication study can lead to a wide variety of professions.

c Inclusion of the “Understanding Mass and Mediated Communication”
Appendix in every book. Due to our increasingly virtual and plugged-in
world, this formerly optional chapter is now included in each new copy of
the book. The chapter includes updated information and scholarship on
niche programming, narrowcasting, framing, Internet Gaming Disorder,
agenda setting, and digital disparities.

c Updated examples that keep students reading and learning essential
course concepts. These include modern-day issues (from celebrity activism
to perceptions of the Tea Party) and familiar faces (from Sheryl Sandberg to
The Bachelorette) that illuminate theories for students.

As for our digital content, we’re thrilled to introduce LaunchPad, a dynamic
and easy-to-use platform. LaunchPad makes instructors’ lives easier by putting
everything in one place, combining the full e-book with carefully chosen videos,
quizzes, activities, instructor’s resources, and LearningCurve. LaunchPad—which
can be packaged for free with Real Communication or purchased separately—
allows instructors to create reading, video, or quiz assignments in seconds, as
well as embed their own videos or custom content. Instructors can also keep
an eye on their class’s progress throughout the semester for individual students
and for individual assignments.
LaunchPad comes fully loaded with powerful learning tools, including the

c LearningCurve, an adaptive and personalized quizzing program that
puts the concept of “testing to learn” into action. Chapter callouts
prompt students to tackle the gamelike LearningCurve quizzes to test their
knowledge and reinforce learning. Based on cognitive research on how stu-
dents learn, this adaptive quizzing program motivates students to engage
with course materials. The reporting tools let you see what students under-
stand so you can adapt your teaching to their needs.


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