Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Index I-11

rejection, latitude of, 471
relational context
in competent communication model, 23–25
listening, 171–172
in organizations, 313–318
relational dialectics theory, 196
relational history, 24–25
relational networks, 182
relationship dynamics, 192–198
costs and rewards and, 193–195
dialectical tensions and, 196–198
uncertainty reduction and, 195–196
interpersonal. See friendships;
interpersonal relationships
interviews and, 504
mentor-protégé, 315–316
peer, in organizations, 316–318
supervisor-supervisee, 314–315
relationship stages, 202–208
declining, 204–206
exploratory, 203
initiating, 202
intensification, 203
reconciliation, 207–208
repair, 207
stable, 203–204
termination, 207, 208
relationship threats, 218
remembering, 154
Renovation Raiders (TV show), 111
repair stage of a relationship, 207
repair tactics, 207
in speeches, 377
of verbal messages by nonverbal commu-
nication, 97
researching speech topics, 351–358
evaluating supporting material and,
finding supporting material and,
354–355, 357
libraries and, 356
types of information for, 352–354
researching supporting material, 354–357
literature searches for, 355
online, 355–357
surveys for, 354
research search engines, 357
resistance messages, gender and, 85
ethical communication and, 363
language for speeches and, 376
responding, 155
responsibility, ethical communication and, 363
responsible speaking, 362–363
résumés, 518–520
retention, presentation aids to promote, 422
reward power, 275
relationships and, 193–195
unbalanced costs and, conflict and, 218
rhetorical proof, forms of, 476–481

Richard, Martin, 442
Rife, David, 158
R.I.P.D. (film), 535
ritualizing, 71
Rivera, Mariano, 48
Roberts, John, 27
RoboCop (film), 538
Roethlisberger, F. J., 308
role conflict, in groups, 260
romantic relationships, 186–187
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 367
Rotary International, 433
Rudolph, Maya, 105
running bibliographies, 361–362

safety needs, 473
salience, of group membership, 138–139
Sandberg, Sheryl, 276
Sandusky, Jerry, 76
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 83
satisfaction, in motivated sequence pattern, 488
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 105, 538, 539
Savage, Dan, 138
Saving Private Ryan (film), 540
schemas, 37–39
challenges with, 38–39
functions of, 37
nonverbal behavior and, 95
Schermerhorn, Matt, 347
scientific research findings, 352
Scott, Marty, 65
Scully, Matthew, 367
search engines, 355, 357
secondary questions, 160, 507
Second Life (online game), 59, 110
Sedwick, Rebecca, 226–227
Seidler, David, 403, 429
Seinfeld, Jerry, 404
selecting, 153
selection interviews, 504
selective listening, 168–169
selective perception, 38–39
selectivity, mass media and, 542–544
self-absorbed listening, 170
self-actualization, 53, 473
self-actualizing needs, 474
self-adequacy, 53
of audience analysis, 345
of beliefs about talking and language use, 88
of communication competence, 19
on conflict management styles, 233
of costs and rewards of relationships, 194
of cultural values, 133
of leadership style, 280
of listening style, 156
of media dependence, 552
need for cognition scale and, 46
of nonverbal immediacy, 100
of outlining skills, 392
of persuasion resistance, 468
of public speaking anxiety, 406
of purpose of presentation, 438

of social loafing, 255
about talking and language use, 88
of work-life balance, 327
of your interviewing behaviors, 525
self-censorship, by mass media, 537–538
self-concept, 47–48
self-denigration, 53–54
self-directed work teams (SDW Ts),
245–246, 248
self-disclosure, 16, 57–58, 198–201
communication privacy management
and, 199–201
social penetration theory and, 199
strategic topic avoidance and, 201
self-efficacy, 49–50, 407
self-esteem, 48–49
communication apprehension and, 267
self-fulfilling prophecies, 50–51
self-improvement, 53
self-monitoring, 15, 56–57
self-perceptions, assessing, 51, 53–54
self-presentation, 55–56, 478
self-serving bias, 39, 137
semantics, 72
sender, 20
sensitivity, to feedback, 57–58
sensor role, 259
sentence outlines, 390
separation stage of mentor-protégé
relationship, 316
service-oriented interviews, 502
7-Eleven stores, 311–312
sexual-arousal touch, 112
sexual harassment, 327–329
intercultural communication about, 446
sexual harassment policies, 78
interplay between gender and, 135
language and, 82, 87
shared leadership, 277
Sheen, Charlie, 11, 12
Sherlock (Sherlock Holmes TV series
adaptation), 193, 195, 537
Sherman, Richard, 502
signposts, 375
similarity, relationship formation and, 190
similes, in speeches, 379
Simon, Carmen, 426
simplicity, of language for speeches, 376–377
Simpson, Jessica, 124
simulation, of delivery of speech, 428
Sirolli, Ernesto, 157
Sirolli Institute, 157
situational context
in competent communication model, 25
language and, 80–82
listening, 171–172
nonverbal communication and, 116–117
situational factors, in audience analysis, 342
Skerritt, Patrick, 394
Skype, 140
slang, 74
slippery slope fallacy, 484
Slumdog Millionaire (film), 131

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