Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 1 Communication:
Essential Human Behavior
Channel, page 11
Noise, page 20
Chapter 2 Perceiving the Self
and Others
Attributions, page 39
Social comparison theory, page 47
Self-fulfilling prophecy, page 50
Self-monitoring, page 56
Self-disclosure, page 57

Chapter 3 Verbal
Denotative meaning, page 72
Connotative meaning, page 72
Evasion, page 74
Equivocation, page 74
Euphemisms, page 74
Chapter 4 Nonverbal
Kinesics, page 101
Emblems, page 102
Illustrators, page 103
Regulators, page 103
Adaptors, page 103
Affect displays, page 103
Masking, page 104
Paralanguage, page 105
Proxemics, page 108
Haptics, page 111
Chapter 5 Communication
and Culture
Time-oriented listeners, page 131
Chapter 6 Listening
Content-oriented listeners, page 157
Time-oriented listeners, page 157
Defensive listening, page 168
Selective listening, page 168

Chapter 7 Developing and
Maintaining Relationships
Uncertainty reduction theory, page 195
Dialectical tensions, page 196
Integrating, page 204
Bonding, page 204
Chapter 8 Managing Conflict in
Uncertain climates, page 221
Defensive climates, page 221
Supportive climates, page 221
Compromising, page 232
Chapter 9 Communicating
in Groups
Forming, page 248
Storming, page 248
Norming, page 249
Performing, page 249
Adjourning, page 249
Chapter 10 Leadership and
Decision Making in Groups Coercive
Legitimate power, page 274
Coercive power, page 274
Reward power, page 275
Expert power, page 275
Referent power, page 275
Chapter 11 Communicating in
Mentor, page 315
Protégé, page 315
Peer communication, page 317
Chapter 12 Preparing and
Researching Presentations
Thesis statement, page 350
Anecdote, page 353
Chapter 13 Organizing, Writing,
and Outlining Presentations
Chronological pattern, page 370

Topical pattern, page 371
Spatial pattern, page 371
Problem–solution pattern, page 371
Cause–effect pattern, page 372
Motivated sequence pattern, page 373
Previews, transitions, and summaries,
pages 373–375
Call to action, page 385
Oral citations, page 393

Chapter 14 Delivering Presentations
Speaking extemporaneously, page 410
Monotone, page 412
Props, page 422

Chapter 15 Informative Speaking
Descriptive presentation, page 442
Demonstrative speeches, page 444
Definitional speeches, page 444
Operational definition, page 445
Definition by example, page 445

Chapter 16 Persuasive Speaking
Logos, page 479
Inductive reasoning, page 479
Pathos, page 481
Bandwagon fallacy, page 482
Red herring fallacy, page 482
Ad hominem fallacy, page 482
Hasty generalization, page 483
Either–or fallacy, page 483
Appeal to tradition, page 483
Slippery slope fallacy, page 484
Refutational organizational pattern,
page 486

Appendix B Understanding Mass
and Mediated Communication
Agenda Setting and Gatekeeping, pages
Citizen Journalism, page 548
User-generated content, page 548

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