You can use a variety of materials to make cutting edges and knives, as well as handles for any metal blades you are lucky enou ...
Scoring a bone. Bone blades of various shapes and sizes made by scoring. Knives from Wood As with bone, it is difficult to get a ...
My Favorite MacGyverisms ASMANYOFYOUKNOW, the hit TV show MacGyver (1985–1992) was based on the exploits of secret agent Angus M ...
Making Rope from Car Parts Wire from any vehicle’s engine makes great rope. Making Signals from Reflective Objects Anything shin ...
To put a little distance between me and possible predators in Africa, I attached a hand made spear to a hunting knife. (^336) | ...
stakes in the ground. So go ahead and make one even if you don’t think you have a use for it at the time. Eventually, you will. ...
You can use almost anything to make a pack on the fly, including plant fibers and bark, wood, rope, animal skins, or any other ...
Here, I’m wearing snowboots and sprucebough snowshoes, which make walking on top of snow a lot easier. You could simply light ...
Group Versus Solo Survival BEING IN A GROUP CAN BE A REAL BENEFIT when it comes to creating and shar- ing tools. You will have n ...
I f you think about it, your chances of finding yourself in a true wilderness survival situation are slim, even if you’re an av ...
Planning and Preparation YOU NEED TO GET PAST THE “ITCAN’THAPPENTOME” ATTITUDE and under stand that disasters can occur anywher ...
Fire IFYOULIVEINACOLDCLIMATE, or disaster occurs during winter weather, you may need a fire source to keep yourself warm and to ...
Travel and Navigation THE DECISION WHETHER OR NOT TO TRAVEL after a natural disaster is as criti cal when you are at home as wh ...
Dangers and Hazards WHEN DEALING WITH A NATURAL DISASTER it helps to recognize that the central event may have spawned other dan ...
First Aid EVERYONE—NOT JUST THOSE TRAVELING IN THE WILDERNESS—should have a basic first-aid course under his or her belt. First ...
Author’s Note INWRITING SURVIVE!, I have tried to pull as much wilderness survival infor mation from my memory as I can. Given ...
At the other extreme, new technologies are making survival easier and involve little more than pushing a button and waiting for ...
Trip Planning and Preparation| 351 CHECKLISTS ...
Personal Survival Kit Checklist Please see pages 19 to 21 for a detailed description of the elements of this survival kit. band ...
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