While making my survival films, the primary issue I face due to not eating is lack of energy. I work for 20 minutes, then have t ...
Hypothermia When people play in the wilderness, one danger they commonly recognize is hypothermia, the lowering of the body’s c ...
“Professor Popsicle” Gordon Giesbrecht and I spent nearly 13 long minutes submerged in the frigid waters of a remote Alaskan lak ...
My most dangerous survival moment occured in the Kalahari Des ert. Two days of drinking hot water and having the sun and wind s ...
The Arctic and Polar Regions At the top of the list for polar dangers is the weather. Blizzards have taken the lives of many ve ...
Limited to northern South America, they are small but have very big teeth, and they travel in large schools capable of devouring ...
Wear protective footwear when wading near the shoreline. Shuffle your feet along the bottom of the water body (rather than raisi ...
a sign that avalanches regularly rip through the area. The most dangerous slopes are ones that are 34 degrees to 45 degrees, as ...
T o a certain extent, you can control many aspects of sur vival—water, fire, shelter, and food. But weather may be the toughest ...
Preparing for bad weather, therefore, is a high priority for the adven turer. Preparation may be as simple as moving your firew ...
heeded warnings that rivers could rise 20 feet (6 m) in a few hours. I tied my dugout canoe to a spot on a tree 8 feet (2.4 m) ...
Barometers If you’re lucky enough to have one, a barometer makes predicting weather a heck of a lot easier. Decreasing air pres ...
The Sky There is a reason why adages persist through generations: they’re largely true. “Red skies at night, sailor’s delight; r ...
Thunderstorms and Lightning Storms Most of the time, thunderstorms give notice of their impending arrival with dark, threatening ...
Sandstorms Sandstorms are exclusive to deserts and can be devastating when they occur. If you see one approaching, get downwind ...
Coastal Regions Coastal regions are susceptible to sudden, violent weather changes. Thun derstorms can arrive with little noti ...
B efore you have time to build that first shelter, before you have the time to make a fire and even before you have the time to ...
preparation for your journey, including planning your route and the food required. What could be more important than the clothes ...
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