Water from Plants The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert live where heat extremes are a part of life. In adapting to this harsh cli ...
Some plants, such as the pitcher plant in northern Ontario, act as natural receptacles, catching water in their cupshaped cavit ...
You will need to dig a hole deep enough to allow the water to seep in. How quickly it enters the hole will depend on how deep yo ...
What a difference a storm makes! This riverbed was bone dry but suddenly started flow ing as a result of faraway rains. Water f ...
Water from Animals Fish usually contain a drinkable fluid, although you have to be careful. Large fish in particular will have a ...
containers on hand: them horizontal in the sun. Cover the clean container with some sand or soil and leave the contaminated con ...
Your plastic bottle will become black and misshapen but should not melt through, if you are careful. Make a tripod by propping ...
I suspect some fairly nasty chemicals are released when a common water bottle is heated this way, but I would rather take my ch ...
roots) near the tops of the dunes rather than between dunes, where the only thing growing was brittle grass. Given the sometimes ...
Another technique is to place ice or packed snow on a rock over a fire. Hold the ice in place with small stones or other heavy o ...
catching it in a dirty receptacle. You can also use rags to collect dew and condensation from your boat. When you’re on the op ...
Swamps Though most people find it hard to believe, I don’t have a problem drinking unpurified swamp water in North America. It’s ...
On mountains, water often collects in deep fissures and valleys such as this one. Here, I’m drinking straight from the source. ...
I will never forget the first time I was surviving in a forest and made a fire using only what I could find. Before the trek, I ...
jungle never let their fires die. And for good reason: try making a fire after it has rained for six straight hours (and that’s ...
In the end, I did opt for a fire in the middle of lion territory, primarily because too many years of using fire for comfort wo ...
tricks is to build the fire provides additional fuel stroud’s Tip If the ground is wet and covered with snow, one of my fire-sav ...
If you can master the skill of making a small fire right outside your shelter, you’ll keep the heat inside with you. It makes yo ...
Butch Cassidy and his “Wild Bunch” hid from the law in these same Utah caves. Perhaps the most serious risk with an inside fire ...
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