Fire Bow Components Various baseboards, each of which An alternative twostick method for the successfully resulted in fire wit ...
The Process: As with any firemaking method, preparation is the key to success in making a fire bow. Once you have your four com ...
the risk of accidentally kicking the baseboard when you decide it’s time to transfer your ember to your tinder pile. But comfor ...
The Grand Finale: One of the most common (and significant) mistakes people make with the fire bow is at the end of the process. ...
Next, prepare the baseboard by making a small indentation for the spindle to grind into. Cut the spindle on each end like a ...
Grip the string and bow as shown so that you can adjust the tension. As I push and pull the bow, I like to feel the string with ...
Cut a notch into the baseboard, next to the indentation, to give the hot dust a place to fall and catch a spark. Note how th ...
When smoke begins to form, this is your signal to give it all you’ve got. Once the actual ember forms, the curl of smoke you se ...
Gently lift the tinder bundle. Blow into the tinder pile from underneath (as if you are pray ing to the fire gods), so you d ...
Other LastDitch FireStarting Methods There are a variety of other lastditch techniques for starting fires. All of these requi ...
In Africa I used a small vial of potassium permanganate and glycerin to make a fire. The tinder is rhino dung. Dried animal dun ...
Making Fire in the Rain and Snow MAKING FIRE WHEN YOU’RE STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE can be difficult enough when the weather is dry. ...
Splitting Wood with a Knife 1.Stand the branch on its end and place the blade of your belt knife (or a sharp object such as a st ...
A variation on this method also worked in the middle of the Kalahari Desert. I had no gas this time, but took some local tinder ...
The bark of the cedar tree is a good source of tinder. Squirrels, chipmunks, and other rodents will scrape the bark of these tr ...
The Arctic and Polar Regions Believe it to not, you can get a fire going in these regions, although it’s likely not going to be ...
T he controversy over what is the most pressing initial survival task will continue as long as there are survival stories to be ...
Although shelters are not barriers against wildlife, they can be deter rents. Even a flimsy nylon tent or roof of pine boughs m ...
The first order of business is to look around at your supplies and what the surroundings provide and decide what you can use, br ...
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