Professional CodeIgniter
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 278 In other places, like the batchUpdate() function, you ’ ll need to remember that you ’ r ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 279 ‘name’ = > db_clean($_POST[‘name’],32) , ‘status’ = > db_clean($_POST[‘status’],8) ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 280 Just as a quick reminder, here ’ s the importCsv() function again: function importCsv(){ ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 281 Here ’ s how you would run the check on the headers. Notice that the incoming $dbheaders ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 282 echo $FDATA. “\n”; if ($error[$FIELD] == false){ echo form_hidden(“line_$key”.”[“.$FIELD ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 283 that URI segment argument through a filtering station. That way you make sure the ID is ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 284 Here is the edit() function of the admin/colors controller: function edit($id=0){ if ($t ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 285 $data[‘colors’] = $this- > MColors- > getActiveColors(); $data[‘sizes’] = $this- & ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 286 Additional Security Resources Web application security is an enormous field, and there ’ ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 287 Now visit the home page and scroll down. You should see a table giving details on how yo ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 288 There are two important things to keep in mind, however. Since not all browsers support ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 289 For example, if you were to set a 30 - minute cache in welcome/index() , you would do it ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 290 In this case, the file cryptically (no pun intended!) called 30c0de8e2eda3538b8963d9bd62 ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 291 To start off, open up your footer view (/system/application/views/footer.php), and add t ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 292 will need to recompile PHP with the - - enable - memory - limit flag set. In other words ...
Chapter 9: Security and Performance 293 According to this example, the getCategory() model function is taking a total of 3/1,000 ...
Launch In the past nine chapters, you ’ ve built a CodeIgniter application from the ground up. You ’ ve created a public - facin ...
Chapter 10: Launch 296 As a quick reminder, here ’ s the source code for the shoppingcart view: < h1 > Shopping Cart < ...
Chapter 10: Launch 297 ? > < /table > < /form > < div id=’ajax_msg’ > < /div > < /div > As a vi ...
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