Professional CodeIgniter
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 218 Figure 7-12 The admin_colors_edit view is jus as simple as the admin_colors_create view. ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 219 Don ’ t forget to add links to Colors in the global navigation view (admin_header)! While ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 220 When you ’ re all done, your dashboard home page should look like Figure 7 - 13. Note the ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 221 if ($this- > session- > userdata(‘userid’) < 1){ redirect(‘welcome/verify’,’refr ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 222 Without belaboring the obvious, here are all the MSizes model functions you will need. Ag ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 223 function updateSize(){ $data = array( ‘name’ = > $_POST[‘name’], ‘status’ = > $_POS ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 224 Here is the admin_sizes_create view: < h1 > < ?php echo $title;? > < /h1 & ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 225 Figure 7-14 Adding Color and Size Checkboxes to Products Now that the administrative scre ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 226 $data[‘colors’] = $this- > MColors- > getActiveColors(); $data[‘sizes’] = $this- &g ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 227 Notice that color selections are saved in a colors[] array, and size selections are saved ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 228 $Q- > free_result(); return $data; } function getAssignedSizes($id){ $data = array(); ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 229 echo form_checkbox(‘colors[]’, $key, $checked). $value; } echo form_fieldset_close(); ech ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 230 The next thing you need to do is to delete any color and size mappings already in the pro ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 231 $data[‘title’] = “Claudia’s Kids | “. $product[‘name’]; $data[‘main’] = ‘product’; $data[ ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 232 Figure 7-17 echo anchor(‘welcome/product/’.$list[‘id’],’see details’). “ < br/ > \n ...
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard 233 Expand, as needed, the models for orders, products, and categories. DONE. Create a dashb ...
Last - Minute Upgrades In Chapter 7 , you added quite a bit of functionality to the admin dashboard. Claudia and her staff can n ...
Chapter 8: Last-Minute Upgrades Chapter 8: Last-Minute Upgrades 236 “ No, ” you answer, “ Once I had the administrative framewor ...
Chapter 8: Last-Minute Upgrades 237 Creating a Page Manager Now that you understand Claudia ’ s need for some simple page manage ...
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