Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1

438 index

North Carolina , 35 , 47 , 378 n 87
Northern Alliance (Afghanistan) ,
North Korea , 210 , 282
North Vietnam , 8–9 , 203–205 , 207 ,
209–10 , 212 , 214–15 , 218 , 223 ,
228–30 , 233–34 , 237 , 239–40 , 242 ,
246–54 , 257–58 , 260–62 , 264–70 ,
338 , 343 , 345–46 , 348 , 401 n 7 ,
401–402 n 15 , 402 n 16 , 402–3 n 24 ,
406 n 84 , 406 n 86 , 408 n 87 ,
410 n 156 , 411–12 n 205
North Vietnamese Army (NVA) , 207 ,
225–26 , 232–33 , 240–41 , 244–45 ,
250 , 255–58 , 261–62 , 265–71 ,
401–2 n 15 , 411 n 203. ( see also
Vietcong )
Normandy , 175–6 , 190 , 194
Norway , 172 , 194
Nye Committee , 390 n 13

Obama, Barack , 5 , 30 , 322 , 326–27 ,
342 , 351 , 423 n 206
and allies
and Congress , 329
decides on troop surge , 331–332 ,
and decision making process on
Afghanistan , 327–28 , 331–32 , 335
frames limited war goals , 331 ,
335–36 , 347
loses freedom of action , 327–28 , 337 ,
as military commander in chief ,
330–31 , 335–36
and peace building , 336
and public opinion , 329 , 333 ,
336–37 , 424 n 5
regains limited discretion as
wartime leader on taking offi ce ,
327–29 , 353
and relations with Afghanistan
government , 332–34 , 337–39 ,

and relations with Pakistan
government , 332 , 334–35 , 337–39 ,
Odierno, Raymond , 423 n 194 , 423 n 197
O ffi ce of Reconstruction and
Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA) ,
291 , 299
O ffi ce of Price Administration ,
394–95 n 107
O ffi ce of War Mobilization , 394 n 98
Ohio , 65 , 76
Okinawa , 178 , 186
Operation Desert Fox , 276
Operation Desert Storm , 275 , 416 n 63
Operation HUSKY , 174–75
Operation JUPITER , 194
Operation Linebacker , 257
Operation OVERLORD , 175
Operation Rolling Th under , 214 , 216 ,
Operation TORCH , 174 , 197
Overman Act of 1918 , 105
Ottoman Empire , 86 , 122

Pace, Peter , 305
Pacifi cation in Vietnam , 231 , 255 ,
411–12 n 205
Pakistan , 17 , 22 , 328–29 , 332–39 ,
372 n 43
Paris (city) , 108 , 120 , 122–25 , 127 , 132 ,
250–51 , 255 , 258 , 262 , 265 , 267.
See also France
Paris Peace Accords , 265 , 269 , 348
Pashtun , 334
Patriot Act, USA , 278
Pearl Harbor , 15 , 29 , 134 , 144 , 148 ,
152–54 , 171 , 200
attack on unifi es American public
opinion , 195–96 , 217
Japanese attack on , 22–23 , 35 , 133
Pelosi, Nancy , 315
Pemberton, John C. , 59
Pentagon. See United States
Department of Defense
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