
(Joyce) #1

22Make all the sugar flowers:Step 1.Roll a small amount of white flower paste into a smallcone shape as shown and insert a 24 gauge floral wire.TIP: The centre of the wider side should fit inside thegerbera centre. Form a hook at the end of the wirebefore inserting into the flower paste centre.Step 2.Make six wired cones and five with no wire as shown.Step 3.Thinly roll white flower paste and using the smallgerbera plunger cutter, cut 11 small flowers.Step 4.Thin the gerbera flowers using a ball tool.Step 5.Using a craft knife, cut the gerbera petals down themiddle as shown. Repeat for all of them.Step 6.Insert the wired centres into the gerbera flowers. Youshould have six.Step 7.Wrap the gerbera around the centre. Repeat for thewired centres and the unwired ones.Step 8.Repeat Steps 3-5, but instead of cutting the petalsdown the middle, make two cuts into every petal asshown.Step 9.Insert the wired centres into this second layer butinstead of wrapping it around, leave them as shown. Dothe same for the unwired centres. Leave them all to dryovernight on a flower drying stand/tray.TIP: Play with the second layer, leave them flatter or cupthem a little bit more. Nature never repeats itself.Step 10.Roll more white flower paste to 2/3mm thick and usinga medium universal leaf cutter, cut seven petals.Step 11.Insert a 28 gauge floral wire into a petal as shown.Step 12.Use a Celstick to thin the petal around the wire.7 85 63 41 2(^1112)9 10

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