Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat
animism. Thus the stone deposited in the basket with the Rice-soul, the stone deposited in the child’s swingi ...
(c) Water 1. PURIFICATION BY WATER The following description (by Sir W. E. Maxwell) of the bathing ceremony, as ...
life of a Malay; but will be most conveniently discussed in detail under each of the particular headi ...
I need hardly explain, perhaps, that “big mĕdang” and “low-growing mĕdang” are the names of two varietie ...
divisions. They are often unintelligible and probably of pre-Malayan origin, but are sometimes derived from the ...
parallel version of the story quoted by Maxwell being the commonest form of the legend in Selangor as well ...
treacherous and faithless to Tuan Putri Padang Gerinsing, who had grown old and feeble. Then Fatima cursed it, ...
and she saw that from the waist downwards he had already turned into a crocodile, though he was still human ...
conformation. The fact is that the sexes are almost undistinguishable, except on dissection, and therefore the n ...
applied to the Young Person or New Woman of the world of crocodile-folk—the aggressive female who “snaps” at every ...
distance. After what it considers a sufficient interval to effect its purpose, the crocodile seizes the ...
expedient of putting his thumbs into the crocodile’s eyes. In connection with this latter exploit, by the way ...
informant declares that not less than eight or ten crocodiles actually appeared, whereupon the Pawang co ...
second man with a rifle. The crocodile has probably a favourite place up-stream, so the boatmen paddle up o ...
may be of any kind of wood except bamboo; so when you have found a suitable tree, take hold of it ...
it partly open and insert the ladder-rung into its body, wrapping the flesh and feathers round it, and bind ...
O, Si Jambu Rakai, accept this present from Her Highness Princess Rundok, from Java:^298 If you refuse to ...
out to look for the tell-tale end of the line that floats up among the forked roots of the mangrove trees. ...
caught So-and-so?”^301 And if he wishes to reply in the affirmative he will bellow loudly. When he does so, ...
bring it food were then its subjects. A Malay told me that he once saw this operation, and that ...
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