Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


quizzically at the party. This encounter is optional;
its purpose is to provide a fun way to give some back­
ground on the city.
The ghost's name is Pfingston Nezzelech, and he's
been dead for over 500 years. This encounter can take
as long as you'd like. Consider mentioning some of the
different wards of the city you'd like the party to know.
Pfingston's dress, mannerisms, and lack of contempo­
rary knowledge mark him as belonging to a bygone era.
He is cursed to walk this section of ruins, investigating
a jewel heist that, by now, can't be solved. Pfingston is
eager to question the party about their whereabouts on
the night of the heist and if they have any leads. If one
or more party members opts to spend an hour listening
to Pfingston's theories and following him in his search
of this ruined area, they witness Pfingston finding his
skeleton tucked in a rubble-strewn corner. Upon finding
his bones, Pfingston looks amazedly about at the party
before fa ding away. Anyone who assisted him gains ad­
vantage on Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investi­
gation) skill checks for the next 24 hours.

If the characters return Caden d'Orien safely to his
father at Unicorn Estate, Alden is overjoyed. Still, he is
saddened by the deaths of the warforged that he hired
to work for Daask, but he doesn't regret the actions that
kept his son alive.


Alden thanks the characters and tells them everything
he knows, which is all the information contained in the
first three paragraphs of the "Story Overview" (page
260). In addition, he gives the characters the address
of a Terminus apartment in Lower Tavick's Landing
that Garra uses as a safe house and a place to store the
books and schemas found in Old Sham's ruins.
When the characters have all the information they
need from Alden to find Garra, the Orien heir offers
them a sum of 50 gp to leave his name and House Orien
out of their report to the Sham Watch. Alden is deeply
ashamed of being manipulated in this way and doesn't
want to tarnish his reputation or his house. A charac­
ter who succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation
or Persuasion) check gets Alden to raise this amount
to 100 gp. If the characters report Alden's actions to
the Sham Watch, he manages to bury the scandal on
his own, and the characters become his enemies (see
"Conclusion," page 273). If the characters conclude
their business with Alden on friendly terms, he offers
his residence as a place where they can rest and grab a
bite to eat before moving on.

As a gesture of goodwill and thanks, Vishtai offers each
character a unicorn-shaped feather token (see chapter 5)
inset with the sigil of House Orien.
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