Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a) How many servings does a person need to provide the RDA of energy?
b) Which organic compounds are the most important energy providers?
c) How much energy do the vitamins in the cereal provide?
d) What deficiency disease could result if a person does not obtain adequate
amounts of vitamin B1?
e) Explain the role of iron in the diet.
f) Consider the RDA of energy (3125 kJ). Do you think this amount is realistic for
your requirements? Explain your answer.

  1. The histograms below show the percentage of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water
    in eight types of foods.

From the information provided in the histograms above, name two types of food that:

a) Contain more than 25% of a nutrient that is involved in the formation of an
insulating layer
b) Would best help to prevent kwashiorkor
c) Will form only monosaccharides and amino acids after digestion
d) Are not involved in the formation of cell membranes
e) Contain more than 50% of a nutrient which is the primary source of energy

  1. The diagram shows the apparatus used in various organic food tests. Study it and
    answer the questions that follow:

58 2.7. Summary

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