Everything Maths Grade 11
Gradient at a Point 14 14.1 Introduction EMBBP In Grade 10, we investigated the idea of average gradient and saw that the gradie ...
14.2 CHAPTER 14. GRADIENT AT A POINT xA yA average gradient − 2 − 1. 5 − 1 − 0. 5 0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 y x � � A B What happens to th ...
CHAPTER 14. GRADIENT AT A POINT 14.2 Example 1: Average Gradient QUESTION Find the average gradient between two points P(a; g(a) ...
14.2 CHAPTER 14. GRADIENT AT A POINT When point P moves closer to point Q, h gets smaller. This means that the average gradient ...
Linear Programming 15 16.1 Introduction EMBBR In everyday life peopleare interested in knowing the most efficient way of carryin ...
15.2 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING Constraints EMBBV Constraints, or restrictions, are often placed on thevariables being optimi ...
CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.3 The Solution EMBBX Once we have determined the feasible region the solution of our problem wi ...
15.5 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.5 Skills You Will Need EMBCB Writing Constraint Equations EMBCC You will need to be comfor ...
CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.5 q≥ 40 p≥ 30 q + p≤ 100 q≥ 2 p Exercise 15 - 1 Write the following constraints as equations: ...
15.5 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING Example 2: Writing the objective function QUESTION The cost of hiring a small trailer is R 50 ...
CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.5 SOLUTION Step 1 : Identify the decision variables There are two decisionvariables: the area u ...
15.5 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING Activity: Numerical Method Use the objective function (650× q) + (1 500× p) to calculate Mrs ...
CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.5 q p Profit 60 30 81 000 70 30 87 000 6623 3313 89 997 Therefore Mrs Nkosi makes the most prof ...
15.5 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 0 x y A B Step 5 : Determine ver ...
CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.5 You are given a testconsisting of two sections. The first section ison algebra and the secon ...
15.5 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING Let x be the number of Super X and y be the number of Super Y models manufactured per month. ...
CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING 15.5 (b) Represent the constraints graphically and shade the feasible region. (c) Write the equati ...
15.5 CHAPTER 15. LINEARPROGRAMMING More practice video solutions or help at http://www.everythingmaths.co.za (1.) 012k (2.) 012m ...
Geometry 16 16.1 Introduction EMBCF Geometry is a good subject for learning not justabout the mathematics of two and three-dimen ...
16.2 CHAPTER 16. GEOMETRY SOLUTION Step 1 : Draw a picture r h r a h Step 2 : Identify the faces thatmake up the cone The cone h ...
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