Everything Science Grade 11
1 2. H 1, 3 0. Li 6, 11 0. Na 23, 19 0. K 39, 37 0. Rb 85, 55 0. Cs 132, 87 0. Fr (223) 4 1. Be 9, 12 1. Mg 24, 20 1. Ca 40, 38 ...
EverythingScience Grade11PhysicalScience Version 0.9 – NCS by Siyavula and volunteers ...
Copyrightnotice Yourfreedomtolegally copythisbook You are allowed and encouraged to freely copy this book. You canphotocopy, pri ...
AuthorsList This book is based uponthe original Free High School Science Text whichwas entirely written by volunteer academics, ...
Everything Science When we look outside at everything in nature, look around us at everything manufactured or lookup at everythi ...
More than a regular textbook EverythingScience is not just a Science textbook. It has everythingyou expect from your regular pri ...
Everything Science on your mobile or PC You can have this textbook at hand wherever youare – whether at home,on the the train or ...
Video lessons Look out for the video icons inside the book. These will take you to video lessons that help bring the ideas and c ...
You can get these videos by: viewing them on-lineon your mobile or computer downloading the videos for off-line viewing on your ...
Answers to your questions Have you ever had a question about a specific fact, formula or exercisein your textbook and wished you ...
Contents ...
I Chemistry 1 Atomic Combinations 1.1 Why do atoms bond? 1.2 Energy and bonding 1.3 What happens when atoms bond? 1.4 Covalent ...
Part I Chemistry ...
Atomic Combinations 1 When you look at the matter, or physical substances, around you, you will realise that atoms seldom exist ...
CHAPTER 1. ATOMICCOMBINATIONS 1. + + (1) (2) (3) Figure 1.1: Forces acting on two approaching atoms: (1) repulsion between elect ...
1.3 CHAPTER 1. ATOMICCOMBINATIONS 1.3 What happens when atoms bond? ESBC A chemical bond is formed when atomsare held together b ...
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