Cyans Annual Report 2019

(marinoscy71) #1

Strategy, Mission & Vision

Following the internal and extemal assessment and SWOT analysis the DCAC/ANSP derived
the following two-step strategy for the next five years:

First step: Transform the ANSP into an autonomous entity in the form of a State Owned
Company, contributing to the development and growth of air navigation, the national
economy and the society.

Second step:
 To become fully aligned with current and future SES regulations, directives and
implementing rules building on existing assets and capabilities while planning and
implementing the acquisition of the necessary additional assets, capabilities and
 To become a competitive entity in the corporate society of ANSPs with low costs
and high efficiency that would be able to compete with other European ANSPs in
the ANS market.

Our resulting vision statement is:

National ATM Environment

Nicosia Area Control Centre (ACC)
This unit is responsible for the provision of air traffic control within the limits of the Nicosia
Flight Information Region (FIR) .It provides air traffic control to all controlled flights within a
controlled area (airways) that lie under its jurisdiction.
The Air Traffic Control Units provides advice and information for the safe and efficient conduct
of flight including light or training aircraft operating in the designated training areas, routes
and agreed heights within the limits of each unit in the Cypriot airspace. They are also
responsible for notifying appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and
rescue aid, and assists such organizations as required.

Larnaka and Paphos airports Aerodrome and Approach Control Units
Air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic at Larnaka and Paphos airports is provided
from the Air Traffic Control towers. All traffic on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome and
all aircraft flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome is under their responsibility. They are also
responsible for the provision of air traffic service to the aircraft in the control zone (an area in
the near vicinity of the airport where departures and the final approach for the landing aircraft
takes place). Larnaka and Paphos Control towers work in close coordination with the Nicosia

To become a mature ANS Provider in the Flight Information Region of the Republic of
Cyprus, an area leader in the fostering of air navigational services and an entity of
continuous organizational improvement.
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