Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1 Use the prompts to make a question with there ...any,using a singular ar aplural verb. Check the factual
answers on page 208.
a be / oxygen on Mars?
b be / cheese on the Moon?
c be / mammals with beaks and webbed feet?
d be / weather on other planets?
e be / fish that can walk on land?
f be / birds that can't fly?
g be / water on the Moon?
h be /apes thatcan betaught to speak?
be / oilarcoal on the Moon?
be / living dinosaurs left on Earth?

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2 Rewrite the sentence to make a statement with not...anybeginning as shown. Then decide
if each statement isTruearFalse.Check the factual answers on page 208.

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b Mammals don't lay eggs.
There ...

f It never rains in the Sahara desert.
There ..

e Britain is a country without volcanoes.

a Cars don't use water as fuel.
There ?lCe.,l\ll ..a~t:l.."'aCS ..lkal I,J,$e.,.lA,Jale.,CaS.:fI,J,e.,(.

c Polar bears don't live in the Antarctic.

d Alien beings don't exist in aur galaxy.
There ....

3 Complete each sentence with a /an, same arany.

a My shirt is dry naw, but I need .. ...a.a iron to press it with.
b Would you like ..chicken? And how about ... potatoes?
c I can't print off my project because I haven't got. paper.
d Have you got money for the machine? I didn't bring
e Sony I didn't come to the party. I had to finish wark.
f I'd like to drink same water, but I can't find glass.
g Could you buy me... ......paper on your way home? I want to read thesparts news.
h I need.... advice about which subjects to do next year.
I'm really hungry. Can you make me meat sandwich?
Excuse me, could you give me.. ... infarmation about the trains to Rome?
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