Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

214 / Types of Writing


The preceding letter appears in modified-block style with indented paragraphs.
Although the form is not as popular as the two previous letters, certain businesses
still prefer it.

Note these additional features:

  • Because the writer did not have the name of a specific person at Kalaxton
    Manufacturing Company, she could write only to Customer Relations.
    Generally, this title will get your letter where it needs to go.

  • The salutation is appropriate, given that the writer does not know to whom,
    specifically, she is writing.

  • The two body paragraphs give the company representative sufficient
    information to know which appliance the writer has, its model number, its date
    and place of purchase, and the customer’s problem.

  • By asking for a specific response, the writer lets the addressee know exactly
    what she hopes to accomplish. She is not asking for a replacement or repairs;
    she is not asking for a refund.

  • The final courtesy sentence appropriately expresses a businesslike attitude.

  • The closing and signature are accurate and appropriate.

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