Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1075

High Renaissance, 578, 579–611, 613, 614,
615, 620, 621, 623, 637; architecture of,
599, 616; Michelangelo and, 588; painting
of, 587, 604
High Roman Empire, 239, 287; art of,
High-Tech architecture,36-67A
Hildegard of Bingen, 448–449, 448
Hildesheim, 422–423; column and doors,
425,425,11-10A;Saint Michael’s, 422,
423,424, 429, 439, 446, 452,16-23A
Himeji Castle, near Osaka,28-5A
Hinayana Buddhism, 161
Hindu temples, 172, 179
Hinduism, 167, 169, 174, 178, 713; described,
168; iconography of, 168; origins of, 160;
strength of, 705
Hippodamian plan, 146, 264
Hippodamos of Miletos, 146
Hiroshige, Ando:work of,28-13A
History of Ancient Art(Winckelmann), 767
Hitler, Adolf, 910,945,953, 981;Entartete
Kunstexhibition and, 945
Hittites, 43, 44, 45
Hoare, Henr y :work of,29-27A
Höch, Hannah:work of, 931–932, 931
Hogarth, William,767; work of, 762, 762
Hohlenstein-Stadel, 18, 23; sculpture from,
17,17, 25
Hokusai, Katsushika, 28-13A;work of, 744,
745, 745
Holbein, Hans, the Younger,641, 647, 762;
work of, 633–634,634,23-9A
Hollow-casting, 40, 51, 122
Holocaust Memorial, Judenplatz, Vienna
Holy Roman Empire, 323, 416, 459, 462, 527,
602, 632, 673; architecture of, 445–447,
489–494, 495; art of, 445–450, 534–538,
539, 626–637, 647; Burgundian territories
and, 625, 637; Counter-Reformation and,
596; founding of, 415; graphic arts of,
536, 538; map of,520;panel painting of,
536; sculpture of, 534–535
Holy Trinity(Masaccio), 555–556,555,558,
559, 577
Holy Virgin Mary, The(Ofili), 996,996, 997
Holzer, Jenny,1025; work of,
1023–1024, 1023
Homage to New York(Tinguely), 1019, 1019
Homage to Steve Biko(Bester), 905–906, 905
Homage to the Square “Ascending”
(Albers), 7, 7
Homage to the Squareseries (Albers),
Homeless Projection, The(Wodiczko), 999, 999
Homer, 32, 80, 82, 93, 96, 114, 154, 155; epics
of, 100; gods/goddesses and, 101; Herakles
and, 120; on Mycenaeans, 90, 94; Trojan
War and, 157; on Troy, 81
Homer, Winslow,818, 819; work of,
806, 806
Homoerotic art,24-18A, 36-44A
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (Foster),
Honnecourt, Villard de:sketchbook by,
481, 481
Honoré, Master:work of, 484, 484
Honorius, 301, 302, 309, 311
Hopeless(Lichtenstein), 983, 983
Hopis, 861, 869; katsinas by, 862
Hopper, Edward,967,36-24A;work of,
955–956, 956
Horn Players(Basquiat),36-31A
Hornbill bird, mask dances and, 900, 900
Horse Fair, The(Bonheur),802, 803
Horse Galloping(Muybridge), 818, 818
Horta, Victor,847; work of,847,31-36A

Horus, 54, 56, 62, 73; temple of, 78,78,79;
wedjat eye of, 57
Horyuji kondo, 212, 214, 221
Hosios Loukas, 332, 339,12-22A;Church of
the Theotokos,328,329; Katholikon, 328,
328, 329, 330
Houdon, Jean-Antoine,774, 806; work of,
773, 773
Hours of Jeanne d’Ev reux(Pucelle),18-36A
House of Jacques Coeur, 480,480, 495
House of Neptune and Amphitrite, 252, 253
House of the Menander, Pompeii: mural,
House of the Vettii, 246; atrium of,246;
peristyle of,10-15A
Houses of Parliament (Barry and Pugin),
810,811,29-26A, 30-44B
How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare
(Beuys), 1018–1019, 1019
Hu-Nefer, last judgment of, 76
Huang Gongwang:work of, 721–722, 721
Hudson River School, 796, 797
Hue, in art, 7, 832
Hugh of Saint-Victor, on stained-glass
windows, 472
Hugo, Master,457, 458,17-22A;work of, 457
Hugo van der Goes.Seevan der Goes, Hugo
Huitzilopochtli, 855, 856, 857, 869
Huizong ,199; calligraphy and, 197–198;
work of, 198, 198
Human face: in Paleolithic art,1-5A
Human sacrifice, 370, 372, 855
Humanism, 542; classical Greek art and, 548;
Italian, 497, 541, 552; Renaissance,
502–503, 517, 577; Savonarola and, 568;
spread of, 541, 625
Hummingbird, Nasca plain, 383
Hundred-Guilder Print(Rembrandt).See
Christ with the Sick around Him,
Receiving the Children
Hundred Years’ War, 461, 519, 520, 532,
534, 539
Hunter capturing a bull, drinking cup
Hunter-gatherers, 31, 365, 393
Hunters in the Snow(Bruegel), 643,643,647,
Hunting-magic theory, 21
Hwangnamdong (Korea), tomb at, 202
Hy post yle hall,70,71, 79, 345, 347,348,363;
model of, 71
Hysolar Institute (Behnisch), 1011,1011, 1012

Iaia of Cyzicus, encaustic painting and, 275
Iatmul: art of, 875, 887; ceremonial men’s
house of,875, 879
Ice Age, 15, 17, 871
Iconoclasm, 326, 339, 632; end of, 327,
328, 329
Iconoclasts, 326, 328, 526; iconophiles and,
327, 339
Iconography, 287, 428, 582; Buddhist, 179;
Chavín, 381; described, 4–5
Iconophiles, 326; iconoclasts and, 327, 339
Iconostasis, 337, 339
Icons,326,328, 335,337;Byzantine, 283, 326,
327, 426, 517; Early Byzantine, 337–338,
339; opposition to, 326; veneration of,
326, 327
Ieyasu, Tokugawa, 738, 749
Ife king,398,399,15-6A
Igbo, art of, 903–904
Igbo Ukwu, 397–398, 399, 405; pot from,
Ignatius Loyola, 622, 654, 665, 666
Ikegobo (Benin shrine), 402, 403
Iktinos,128, 133, 155, 567; work of, 126, 127,
127, 146

Il Gesù (Giacomo della Porta and Giacomo
da Vignola), 664, 665; facade of, 622,622,
650; plan of, 622, 622
Il libro dell’arte(Cennini), 523, 553
Île-de-France, 463, 465, 479, 486
Île-de-la-Cité, 468
Ile-Ife, 398, 399, 402, 405, 898; head of king,
15-6A;workshops of,15-6B
Iliad(Homer), 32, 80, 81, 114, 140, 783;
gods/goddesses and, 101
Illumination, 333, 410, 416, 417, 427, 448,
481,495, 500, 517, 532, 539; Gothic,
481–486,17-15A, 17-22A;Late Antique,
304–306; preparation of, 483
Illusionism, 253, 287, 327, 337, 429, 546, 555,
556, 577, 757, 800; dimensions and, 979;
expressionism and, 918, 972; moving
away from,803,804,29-22A;perspective
and, 575; pictorial, 510, 511, 542, 921;
rejecting, 979
Imam Mosque,tilework in,357
Imhotep,79; Djoser and, 57–59; first
architect of stone buildings,3-6A;
Stepped Pyramid and, 57
Immaculate Conception of the Escorial
Imperial City, 723
Impression: Sunrise(Monet), 822,823, 824
Impressionism, 792, 800, 803, 822–831, 832,
835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 841, 851, 911, 977;
influence of, 844; Japanese art and, 744
Improvisation 28(Kandinsky), 915,915, 916
Inanna female head, 33, 34, 34
Incense burner (boshan), from the tomb of
Prince Liu Sheng,7-7A
Independent Group, origins of Pop Art and,
981, 982
India: art of, 705–713, 716; British in,
712–713; independence of, 713
Indra, 160, 165
Indravarman, Angkor and, 176
Indus civilization, 157–160, 168, 179
Industrial materials, Judd on, 979
Industrial Revolution, impact of, 712–713,
751, 758, 759, 775, 777, 794, 795, 811, 821,
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique,785,
30-19A, 35-2A;Neoclassicism and, 819;
photography and, 815; work of, 782–783,
782, 783,30-2B
Inka, 869; art of, 858–860; metal statuary,
32-7A;sites, 858 (map); weaving by, 382
Inka Empire, 366, 380, 858, 869
Innocent X, Pope,24-4A, 36-3A;patronage
by, 650
Insane Woman(Géricault), 789
Insula, 270–271; model of, 270
Insula of the Painted Vaults, Ostia,10-54A
Intensity, in art, 7
Interior painting, Dutch, 686, 688–689
Intermediate Area, 379–380
Internal evidence, 2–3
International Style, 509, 559, 577, 604, 963;
persistence of, 552
Interpretation of Dreams, The(Freud),
839, 929
Introduction to the Three Arts of Design
(Vasari), 461
Inuit, 866; printmaking by, 863
Iona Island, 410, 413
Ionic order, 111, 113, 144, 155; described,
110; elevation of, 110
Ipiutak mask, 387
Irian Jaya, 873
Iron-wire lines, 190, 214
Isaac, 294, 544; Abraham and, 543; art about,
293; Esau and, 549; sacrifice of, 542–543

Hawes, Josiah Johnson,819; work of,
816, 816
Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 29-2A;work of,
Haywain(Constable), 794, 795
Head of a woman (from Chios),5-62A
Head of Herakles or Telephos (Tegea),
Hegeso stele, 133–134,134,135, 138, 227
Heian period, 170, 215, 220, 221; court
culture of, 217; Kamakura artistic
workshops and, 219
Heiligkreuzkirche, Schwdbisch Gm|nd,
Helen of Egypt, 142
Helen of Troy, 81, 96, 275
Helios (Sol), 101, 129, 129
Hellas, 82, 99
Hellenistic period, 145–154; architecture of,
145–146; art of, 153–154, 235; Etruscan,
224; sculpture of,5-83A
Hemiunu: statue of,3-14A
Henry II, King, 427, 428, 448; death of, 422;
Louvre and, 636
Henry III, King, 482
Henry III of Nassau, 638
Henry IV, King, 446, 676
Henry VII, King: chapel of, 488, 488
Henry VIII, King, 633, 634, 641,23-9A;
Thomas More and, 625–626
Henry VIII(Holbein),23-9A
Hepdjefai, nomarch of Asyut,3-17A
Hepworth, Barbara,953, 967, 980, 989;
on abstract sculpture, 951; work of,
951–952, 952
Hera (Juno), 101, 111, 120, 136, 225, 252
Herakles (Hercules),120,129,129,155, 225,
226, 278, 550,550,561, 577, 593,11-5A;
Antaios and, 16, 116–117,116;heroism
of, 120; Olympic Games and, 120; statue
of, 102,103,139–140, 139
Herakles wrestling Antaios (Euphronios),
116–117, 116
Herculaneum, 246, 253, 287; excavation of,
766, 767, 775; Samnite House, 248, 248
Hercules and Antaeus(Pollaiuolo), 550,550,
561, 577
Hermes and the infant Dionysos (Praxiteles),
138, 138
Hermes bringing the infant Dionysos to
Papposilenos (Phiale Painter), 136
Herod, King, 546, 547
Herodotus, 155, 223; on Babylonian temple
complex, 48; on Egypt, 53
Herrera, Juan de:work of, 645, 645
Hesiod, gods/goddesses and, 101
Hesire: portrait of, 11; relief of, 9, 9
Hesperides, 120, 140; apples of,120,11-5A
Hesse, Eva:work of, 980–981, 981
Hestia (Vesta), 101, 129, 129
Hevehe cycle, 875, 876, 879, 887
Hevehe masks, 876
Hiberno-Saxon art, 406, 410–411, 412, 429,
431, 443, 455,16-3A
Hidatsa Warrior Pehriska-Ruhpa (Two
Ravens)(Bodmer), 867
Hierakonpolis, Tomb 100 of, 54–55
Hieroglyphics, 54; Maya, 366, 371, 854
High Classical period, 118–121, 123–137,
155, 478, 567; architecture of, 119–120;
painting of, 134–137; sculpture of,
119–120; statuary of, 121, 123–125
High Cross of Muiredach (Ireland), 414,414,
High Gothic, 465, 472, 478, 495, 514;
architecture of, 470, 471, 474, 476, 477

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