Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1084 Index

Saltcellar (Master of the Symbolic
Execution), 404, 404
Saltcellar of Francis I(Cellini), 618,619, 757
Saltcellars, Sapi, 404,404, 405
Samanid Mausoleum, 348,348, 355
Samarqand ware,13-16A
Samarra: Great Mosque, 347,347, 349;
Malwiya Minaret, 347–348, 347
Samburu, body adornment by, 903, 903
Samnite House, 248, 248
Samnites, 244, 245
Samoa, tattooing in, 883
Samuel anointing David, mural of,291, 304
Samurai, 735, 746
San, art of, 889–890
San Bartolo, 374
San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti, 571
San Brizio Chapel, 569
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (Borromini),
654,655, 671,24-9A;interior of,655;plan
of, 655
San Francesco, Assisi,19-5A;murals,
San Francesco, Città di Castello, 585
San Francesco, Pescia: altarpiece for, 500
San Giorgio Maggiore (Palladio), 603–604,
603,616; interior of, 603
San Giovanni, baptistery of, Florence, Italy:
doors (Pisano),19-19A
San Giovanni, Florence, baptistery of, 451,
451, 513, 514
San Giovanni in Fonte, Ravenna, baptistery
San Juan Bautista, 415, 415
San Lorenzo, Florence, Italy (Brunelleschi),
San Marco, 556, 558
San Miniato al Monte, 452, 567; interior
of, 452
San Pietro, 597
San Salvador de Tábara, 415; tower/
scriptorium of, 415
San Sepolcro: Palazzo Comunale,21-43A
San Vitale, 316–317, 321, 332, 342, 408, 451;
aerial view of,316;choir/apse of,318;
interior of,317;mosaic from,319;plan
of,316,329, 419; procession at, 320
San Zaccaria Altarpiece(Bellini), 526,
604, 604
Sánchez Cotán, Juan:work of,24-30A
Sanchi, 162–163; Great Stupa, 162, 163,163,
Sanctuary of Apollo, 113
Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia,
240–241, 240
Sanctuary of Hercules, 242
Sanctuary of the Great Gods, 149
Sand paintings, 861, 862, 869
Sangallo, Antonio da, the Younger:work
of, 601, 601
Sanskrit, 160, 174, 215
Sansovino, Jacopo:work of,22-31A
Sant Vicenç, Cardona, Spain,17-2B
Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome,19-8A
Santa Constanza, 299–301, 302, 315, 344,
451; interior of,300;plan of,300,329;
vault mosaic of, 300
Santa Croce, 3, 302, 501, 563,19-5A;
interior of, 3
Santa Cruz de la Serós, portal at, 439
Santa María, Lesn, Spain,18-25A
Santa Maria Antiqua Sarcophagus, 293–294
Santa María de Mur, 444–445; apse of, 444
Santa Maria degli Angeli, 278, 278
Santa Maria del Carmine, 554, 557, 564
Santa Maria del Popolo, 659
Santa Maria della Vittoria, 654
Santa Maria delle Grazie, 582, 595

Santa Maria Maggiore, 301, 303,17-27A;
mosaic at,301,305, 309
Santa Maria Novella (Alberti), 506, 558, 567,
567,622; construction of, 500–501; nave
of, 501
Santa Sabina, 299,299,424, 439,11-10A
Santa Susanna (Maderno), 655; facade of,
650, 650
Santa Trinità, 502, 553
Sant’Ambrogio, 447, 454, 459; aerial view of,
446;interior of, 447
Sant’Andrea (Alberti), 573,573,577, 600,
622; interior of, 574,574;plan of,573;
pulpit at, 499
Sant’Angelo in Formis, near Capua, Italy,
Sant’Antonio, 551
Sant’Apollinare in Classe, 320–321;
mosaic at, 321
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, 303–304, 306,
17-27A;interior of,303;mosaic from,
Sant’Egidio, altarpiece from, 531, 531
Santi Giovanni e Paolo, 616
Santiago de Compostela, 435, 444, 445, 446,
459; pilgrimage to, 432, 437, 440; Saint
Sant’Ignazio, 665; nave of, 665
Santissima Annunziata, 585
Santo Domingo abbey church, Silos, Spain:
narrative sculptures,17-9A
Santo Domingo church, 860
Santo Spirito (Brunelleschi), 562–563, 565,
574, 577,21-31A;interior of, 562,563;
plan of, 563
Santo Tomé, 646
Santorini, 82, 86, 87
Sanxingdui, excavations at, 183–184
Sanz de Sautuola family, 19–20
Sapi saltcellars, 404,404, 405
Saqqara, 63, 79; Djoser’s mortuary precinct,
3-6A;North Palace, 59,59;Stepped
Pyramid, 57,58,60, 369
Saraband(Louis), 977, 977
Saracens, 335, 336, 422
Saragon II, royal citadel of, 45, 45
Sarcophagi, 226–228, 287, 309, 498, 499,
516; Asiatic, 294; demand for, 273,
10-62A;Early Christian, 293,293,294,
294,295;Eastern, 274; Etruscan, 275,
9-15A;pagan, 293; third-century, 278,
279,280,280;Western, 274
Sardanapaluspoem (Byron), 790, 791
Sargent, John Singer,819, 932; work of,
807, 807
Sargon of Akkad, 39, 41, 42
Sarnath, 161, 165; Buddha images of,
166–167, 203
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 970, 971
Sasanians, 50, 289, 312, 327, 341;
architecture of, 353, 464
Satimbe masks, described, 900–901
Saturation,of color,7,832
Saturn Devouring One of His Children
(Goya), 788, 788
Saturninus, Saint, 432, 436
Satyr Crowning a Bacchanate
(Clodion), 757
Savinus, Saint: altar of, 510
Savonarola, Girolamo, 568, 638
Sayf al-Din Tuquztimur, lamp for,
360–361, 361
Saying Grace(Chardin), 760, 760
Sayings on Painting from Monk Bitter Gourd
(Shitao), 729
Scala Regia (Bernini),652, 653
Scale, in art, 10
Scandinavia, Christian art in, 410–415, 429

Scenes from the Massacre at Chios
Schapiro, Miriam,989; work of,
990–991, 991
Schiele, Egon:work of,35-10A
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 30-44A;work of,
Schliemann, Heinrich, 81, 82, 94,4-22A
Schnabel, Julian:work of, 988–989, 988
Schneemann, Carolee,1025; on painting/
performance art/art history, 1018; work
of, 1018, 1018
Scholasticism, Gothic art/architecture
and, 466
Schongauer, Martin,539, 561; work of,
538, 538
School of Athens(Raphael), 585–587,585,
595, 604, 608, 623, 783,23-5A;linear
perspective and, 547
Schoolmen, 466
Schools, in art history, 6
Schröder House (Rietveld), 961, 961
Schwdbisch Gm|nd, Germany:
Schwedagon Pagoda, 715,715,717,6-26A
Schwitters, Kurt,935, 945, 980, 983; work
of, 932, 932
Science: art and, 915; Greek contributions
to, 100
Scivias(Hildegard of Bingen), 448, 449;
folio from, 448
Scream, The(Munch), 841,841,914,36-3A
Screen facade,17-13B
Scriptoria, 415, 429, 448, 495
Scroll of Hu-Nefer,76, 77
Sculpture, 2; abstract, 951; Donald Judd on,
979;freestanding, 18; hollow-cast, 40, 51;
industrial materials and, 979; mixed-
media, 863; outdoor, 978; painted, Egyp-
tian,3-6A;painted, Greek,5-63A;
painting versus, 588; relief, 11, 18;
subtractive/additive, 10; in the round,
11; types of, 11
Seagram Building (Mies van der Rohe and
Johnson), 1005,1006,1009, 1025
Seals: Chinese, 726; cylinder, 38, 39,39;Indus,
159–160,160,164; Mesopotamian, 39;
official, 416; stamp, 39
Sears Tower, 1006, 1006
Seated Amida (Jocho),8-13A
Seated boxer, 151
Seated couple, 895
Seated man (from Tada, Nigeria),15-6B
Seated scribe, statue of, 63–64, 63
Seated Youth(Lehmbruck), 917, 917
Sebastian, Saint, 626
Second Commandment, 290, 295, 309, 326,
445, 632
Second Style, 250, 251, 253, 270, 287, 574;
described, 248; wall paintings in,249, 250
Section, in architectural drawing, 11, 12
Seduction of Yusuf(Bihzad), 358
Seeing, different ways of, 12–13
Segal, George:work of,36-24A
Seleucus I, 49
Self-Portrait(Dürer),23-4A, 23-9A
Self-Portrait(Leyster),682, 683
Self-Portrait(Rembrandt, 1658),25-15A
Self-Portrait(Rembrandt, 1659-1660), 685
Self-Portrait(Te Pehi Kupe), 13
Self-Portrait(van Hemessen), 641
Self-Portrait(Vigée-Lebrun), 761–762,761,
Self-Portrait as a Fountain(Nauman),
Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting

Saint-Lazare, Autun, 4, 440; tympanum at,
441, 570
Saint-Lazare Train Station(Monet),
824–825, 825
St. Louis, Missouri: Wainwright Building,
Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin(Rogier van
der Weyden), 528–529,528, 539
Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin Mary
Saint-Maclou, Rouen, 478–479, 488, 495
Saint Mark(Donatello), 545,545, 577
Saint Mark’s, Venice, 281, 330–331, 332, 336;
construction of, 451; interior of,331; Pala
Saint Mary, Kraków: altarpiece at, 534, 535
Saint Mary of Egypt among Sinners(Nolde),
914, 914
Saint Matthias, monastery of, 448–449
Saint Michael’s, Hildesheim, 422,423,429,
439, 446, 452; doors of, 424; longitudinal
section/plan of,423;nave,16-23A
Saint-Nazaire, 479
Saint Pantaleimon, 333,17-27A;wall
painting from, 334
Saint Paul’s, London,702;dome of, 770
Saint Paul’s, Rome, 421, 432
Saint Peter, Geneva, 536
Saint Peter, Wimpfen-im-Tal, 486
Saint Peter’s, Rome, 421,600,621, 645, 655,
702, 769; aerial view of,651;baldacchino
at, 652–653; Bernini and, 651–652; dome
of, 600, 622, 770; facade of,650;interior
of,652;Maderno and, 650–651; pilgrims
at, 432; plan for,600;rebuilding of, 591;
triumph/grandeur of, 653.See alsoNew
Saint Peter’s; Old Saint Peter’s
Saint Peter’s basilica, Rome, 415, 428, 569, 584
Saint-Phalle, Niki de:work of,36-26B
Saint-Philibert, Tournus, France,17-2A
Saint-Pierre, Moissac, 437–439, 453, 473,
475; cloister at,438,17-15A;south portal
of,430,439–440, 440
Saint-Riquier abbey, Centula, France,
16-15A, 16-19A
Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, 444; nave/vault
of, 444
Saint Savinus, altar of, 511
Saint Sebastian(Grünewald), 626
Saint Serapion(Zurbarán),666, 667
Saint-Sernin, 434–435, 437, 445, 446, 447;
aerial view of,434;interior of,434;plan
for,434;relief from,436,439, 452
Saint Sophia, Kiev,12-22A, 12-30A
Saint-Thierry, 438
Saint-Trophîme, Arles, France,17-13A
Saint Vitus Cathedral, 462
Sainte-Chapelle, 477–478, 483,18-25A,
19-5A;interior of, 477
Sainte-Foy, Conques, France,17-4A;
reliquar y statue of Saint Faith,17-18A
Saints Sergius and Bacchus, Church of, 316
Sakai tumulus, 221
Sakkos of Photius,12-33A
Sala della Pace, 512
Salamis, 118, 125
Salians, 445, 450, 459
Salisbury Cathedral, 486–487, 488; aerial
view of,487;interior of,487;plan of, 487
Salisbury Plain, Stonehenge, 28,28, 29
Salon d’Automne, 911
Salon de la Princesse (Boffrand), 752, 752
Salon des Indépendants, 823
Salon des Refusés, 823
Salon of 1827, 783
Salon of 1848, Bonheur and, 803
Salon of 1874, 830
Salons, 753, 760, 761, 775, 823

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