Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

542 Index Index 543

Progressives and, 369–370
spoils system and, 347, 348 (i)
as theme, 9
Polk, James K.
nomination of (1844), 224
“War Message” (1846),
Pollution, “Kyoto Protocol on
Emissions” (United
Nations, 2008), 509–510
Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763), 89,
Poor Richard’s Almanack
(Franklin, 1739), 72–73
Popular sovereignty,
Compromise of 1850/
Kansas-Nebraska Act
(1854) and, 259 (m)
Population, increase in, 382
Populist (People’s) Party, platform
of (1892), 322–323
“Port Huron Statement”
(Students for a
Democratic Society,
1962), 451–452
Portugal, Kongo trade with,
Potsdam, Allied conference at,
Powell, Adam Clayton, 460
Power (authority)
conquest of Aztec empire
and, 8 (i), 9 (i)
of federal and state
governments, 170,
after independence, 116
politics and, 341
as theme, 9
Powhatan (Pamunkey chief ), 6, 6
(i), 34 (i)
“Preamble to the Constitution”
(1787), 134
“Preface to ‘Frame of
Government’” (Penn,
1682), 68
Preliminary claim, in argument,
“Presidential Nomination
Acceptance Speech” (G.
W. Bush, 2000),
“Presidential Proclamation,
Wyoming” (Benjamin
Harrison, 1891), 321

“President Lincoln and His
Scheme of Emancipation”
(Charleston Mercury,
1862), 283–284
Primary source documents, 10,
11, 98, 187, 206, 221,
301, 324, 403, 446, 470,
about, 369–373
international and grassroots,
Promontory Point, Utah,
transcontinental railroad
at, 309, 309 (i)
Prompt, 22–24
“Proposal for Subjugating
Native Americans”
(Martin, 1622), 35
“Proposal to Create the
Department of Homeland
Security” (Office of the
President, 2002), 506
Prosperity, reform and, 361–380
Protectorates, of United States, 409
Protestants, Puritans as, 32–33
in Middle East, 512–513
against women’s suffrage, 345
“Providential Detection, The”
(1797), 107, 107 (i)
Proximate causes, 21, 33
Public transportation, 384, 384 (i)
Puck magazine
“Bosses of the Senate”
(Keppler, 1889), 311 (i)
“Consistency” (1891), 332,
333 (i)
“Hopelessly Bound to the
Stake” (1883), 316, 316 (i)
“Model Office Seeker, A”
(1881), 347, 348 (i)
“New Year’s Greetings in
Puck” (1898), 311, 312 (i)
Pueblo Indians
ruins of town of Cicuique,
5, 5 (i)
Spanish trial after Pueblo
Revolt, 15–16
Puerto Rico, United States and,
406, 409
Pullman, George, 363
Pullman Palace Car Company,

Pure Food and Drug Act, 371
in Parliament, 119
secondary sources on, 83–84
views of, 83–84
Winthrop on, 32–33
Purpose of writer, 98–101

Quakers, 68
Qualifiers, in historical argument,
272–274, 357
Qualifying evidence, 286, 302
Quasi-War, with France, 137
Quebec. See also Canada
Cartier in, 18–19
founding of, 30
Queen Anne’s War (1702–1713),
Quota system, for immigration,
Quotations, 206–209

Race and racism. See also Slaves
and slavery
13th Amendment and, 276
14th and 15th Amendments
and, 276, 295
civil rights movement and,
in colonies, 28
democracy and, 233
in North and South, 398,
399 (i)
in Reconstruction, 294, 294 (i)
secondary sources on,
Las Gorras Blancas and,
transcontinental, 309 (i)
Randolph, Edward, “Assessment
of the Causes of King
Philip’s War” (1675),
“Reaction to African American
Agricultural Activism”
(St. Louis Globe-
Democrat, 1889),
Reagan, Ronald, 448
“Address to the First
Conservative Political
Action Conference”
(1974), 466–467

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